Database .NET Core Reverse Proxy


Currently, for entertainment, I am setting up a .NET Core server on a raspberry pi 3 with raspbian. So far I have not had many problems and I have a kestrel + apache server with reverse proxy.

My problem comes when I want to add a database. I have doubts and, even though I look for it, I can not find anything that enlightens me. If anyone could shed light on this issue, I would appreciate it:

  • Where should I install the database? In Kestrel? In Apache?
  • In the case that they should be installed in Apache, should we also configure that it can be accessed from Kestrel? I guess so.
  • Databases that support .NET Core?

It's something that really catches my attention, since it seems very strange to me that I have not found anything that can help me in the network. Maybe the thing is not as widespread as I thought, or maybe it is that I do not know how to look for it well. In the end, thank you very much in advance.

asked by zeross 13.03.2018 в 18:18

1 answer


Where should I install the database? In Kestrel? In Apache?

In the Raspbian, Kestrel is a web server not recommended for production, apache is a recommended web server in production environments, which together make a good team like kestrel + nginx.

The database is installed on the server, in this case the raspbian.


In the case that they should be installed in Apache, should we also configure that it can be accessed from Kestrel? I guess so.

Apache is a web server, the database goes directly to a server, it is a service, so the configuration is separate from Apache.


Databases that support .NET Core?

Here the situation becomes interesting, we have the following:

EF Core

Relational databases
SQL Server

Azure DocumentDB

Information taken from:


If you are going to use Entity Framework Core, I suggest you see the providers that are:

| NuGet Package                            | Supported database engines | Maintainer / Vendor         | Notes / Requirements             | Useful links |
| Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer  | SQL Server 2008 onwards    | EF Core Project (Microsoft) |                                  | docs         |
| Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite     | SQLite 3.7 onwards         | EF Core Project (Microsoft) |                                  | docs         |
| Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory   | EF Core in-memory database | EF Core Project (Microsoft) | For testing only                 | docs         |
| Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL    | PostgreSQL                 | Npgsql Development Team     |                                  | docs         |
| Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql         | MySQL, MariaDB             | Pomelo Foundation Project   |                                  | readme       |
| Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MyCat         | MyCAT Server               | Pomelo Foundation Project   | Pre-release, Up to EF Core 1.1   | readme       |
| EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServerCompact40   | SQL Server Compact 4.0     | Erik Ejlskov Jensen         | .NET Framework                   | wiki         |
| EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServerCompact35   | SQL Server Compact 3.5     | Erik Ejlskov Jensen         | .NET Framework                   | wiki         |
| MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore           | MySQL                      | MySQL project (Oracle)      | Pre-release                      | docs         |
| FirebirdSql.EntityFrameworkCore.Firebird | Firebird 2.5 and 3.x       | Jiří Činčura                | EF Core 2.0 onwards, Pre-release | blog         |
| EntityFrameworkCore.FirebirdSql          | Firebird 2.5 and 3.x       | Rafael Almeida              | EF Core 2.0 onwards              | wiki         |
| IBM.EntityFrameworkCore                  | Db2, Informix              | IBM                         | Up to EF Core 1.1, Windows       | FAQ          |
| IBM.EntityFrameworkCore-lnx              | Db2, Informix              | IBM                         | Up to EF Core 1.1, Linux         | FAQ          |
| Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore                | Oracle onwards     | DevArt                      | Paid                             | docs         |
| Devart.Data.PostgreSql.EFCore            | PostgreSQL 8.0 onwards     | DevArt                      | Paid                             | docs         |
| Devart.Data.SQLite.EFCore                | SQLite 3 onwards           | DevArt                      | Paid                             | docs         |
| Devart.Data.MySql.EFCore                 | MySQL 5 onwards            | DevArt                      | Paid                             | docs         |
| EntityFrameworkCore.Jet                  | Microsoft Access files     | Bubi                        | EF Core 2.0, .NET Framework      | readme       |

Information taken from: link

Useful links:



answered by 13.03.2018 / 20:02