Generate .TXT file with Stored Procedure


I have the following SP and I want the results saved in a .TXT file for   I also have a JOB which executes the Stored Procedure, which I configured   from the SQL Server Management Studio.

This is an example of how a result of a query is sent to a TXT, and from this   example, implement it in a Stored Procedure.

DECLARE @archivo varchar(50),

    @comando varchar(2000)

SET @archivo = 'E:\archivo.txt'
SET @comando = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM bdd.dbo.tblEjemplo" queryout "'
SET @comando = @comando + @archivo + '" -U sa -P 1234567 -c'

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @comando

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''

Implementation in the Stored Procedure


-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

-- Insert statements for procedure here
DECLARE @archivo varchar(50),@comando varchar(2000)
SET @archivo = 'E:\archivo.txt'

SET @comando = 'bcp"
SELECT c.CodeCompany, 
    @Hoy AS fechaActual,
    c.nombre +' '+c.apellidos AS Nombre, --Me marca un error por el uso de +' '+ 
    d.Descripcion AS Depto,
    t.HorasAlDia AS HorasDia,
    convert(time(0), fechaEntrada) AS Entrada,
    convert(time(0), fechaSalida) AS Salida,

DATEDIFF(HOUR, fechaEntrada, fechaSalida) %24 AS horasAlDia

FROM tblasistencia a

    JOIN tblpersonal c ON a.idClave=c.idClave
    JOIN tblTurno    t ON t.idTurno=c.fkTurno
    JOIN tblDepto    d ON c.fkDepto=d.idDepto

WHERE fechaEntrada BETWEEN @Hoy AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, @Hoy) and fkStatus !=1 " queryout "'
SET @comando = @comando + @archivo + '" -U sa -P 123457 -c'

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @comando


Execution SP:

exec consulta_hoy '';

When I command to execute the Stored Procedure, it shows the following:

usage: bcp {dbtable | query} {in | out | queryout | format} datafile
[-m maxerrors]            [-f formatfile]          [-e errfile]
[-F firstrow]             [-L lastrow]             [-b batchsize]
[-n native type]          [-c character type]      [-w wide character type]
[-N keep non-text native] [-V file format version] [-q quoted identifier]
[-C code page specifier]  [-t field terminator]    [-r row terminator]
[-i inputfile]            [-o outfile]             [-a packetsize]
[-S server name]          [-U username]            [-P password]
[-T trusted connection]   [-v version]             [-R regional enable]
[-k keep null values]     [-E keep identity values]
[-h "load hints"]         [-x generate xml format file]
[-d database name]

Send to print the variable @comando

Show me:

SELECT c.CodeCompany, 
    @Hoy AS fechaActual,
    c.nombre  c.apellidos AS Nombre, 
    d.Descripcion AS Depto,
    t.HorasAlDia AS HorasDia,
    convert(time(0), fechaEntrada) AS Entrada,
    convert(time(0), fechaSalida) AS Salida,

DATEDIFF(HOUR, fechaEntrada, fechaSalida) %24 AS horasAlDia

FROM tblasistencia a

    JOIN tblpersonal c ON a.idClave=c.idClave
    JOIN tblTurno    t ON t.idTurno=c.fkTurno
    JOIN tblDepto    d ON c.fkDepto=d.idDepto

WHERE fechaEntrada BETWEEN @Hoy AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, @Hoy) and fkStatus !=1 " queryout "E:\archivo.txt" -U sa -P 123457 -c
asked by Noel L 09.01.2018 в 21:39

1 answer


The problem is this:

SET @comando = 'bcp"
SELECT c.CodeCompany, 

You are adding line breaks to the statements that you are going to execute, they break the call. I rewrote your code a bit:

Some corrections and indications

DECLARE @comando VARCHAR(2000)
DECLARE @query   VARCHAR(2000)
DECLARE @archivo VARCHAR(50)

SET @archivo = 'E:\archivo.txt'
SET @query   = 'SELECT c.CodeCompany, @Hoy AS fechaActual, a.idClave, C.nombre +'' ''+c.apellidos AS Nombre, d.Descripcion AS Depto, t.HorasAlDia AS HorasDia, convert(time(0), fechaEntrada) AS Entrada, convert(time(0), fechaSalida) AS Salida, DATEDIFF(HOUR, fechaEntrada, fechaSalida) %24 AS horasAlDia FROM tblasistencia a JOIN tblpersonal c ON a.idClave=c.idClave JOIN tblTurno t ON t.idTurno=c.fkTurno JOIN tblDepto d ON c.fkDepto=d.idDepto WHERE fechaEntrada BETWEEN @Hoy AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, @Hoy) and fkStatus !=1'

SET @comando = 'bcp queryout "'+ REPLACE(@query + '" ' + @archivo + ' -U sa -P 123457 -c'
  • If you have to indicate a single quote in a dynamic string you should write it as follows ''
  • Remember that the user that starts the SQL Server service must have write permissions in order to save the file.
  • Check the jumps and / or tabs.

Another option is to remove the line breaks from the statement, as follows:

SET @query = REPLACE(REPLACE(@query, CHAR(10), ''),CHAR(13), '')

Double REPLACE nested to remove characters 13 and 10, the usual Windows line break.

answered by 10.01.2018 в 02:37