to see if someone gives me a hand, I have a cron that generates a feed of products in 26 languages, and it starts to happen that sometimes gives timeout I have happened to divide the file into 3 instead of having script.php have script1.php script2.php script3.php and launch the cron to script 1 but that the 2 does not start until the end of 1 so they do not get crushed, it would be something like this
51 01 * * * curl -IH 'Host:' -H 'SSL-ON: on'
51 01 * * * curl -IH 'Host:' -H 'SSL-ON: on'
51 01 * * * curl -IH 'Host:' -H 'SSL-ON: on'
Another option is to leave a considerable amount of time between them, but I do not know if it's the best option, does anyone know about it?