Hello developers good day, I am with a problem it turns out that my project does not have to have any stored procedure in SQLServer
and they asked me to do everything from linQ
the issue is that I have not found how to create the stored procedure in the code just like calling the procedure from it (which I do not use because I was forbidden to occupy SP
in SQL Server
here I have the SP code that I made in the Sql obviously already delete it from it and I want to know how to create this same code in C#
using LinQ
Create Procedure [dbo].[sp_i_programa_semanal]
(@BarNom varchar(50),
@Fecha datetime,
@h1 numeric (10, 4),
@h2 numeric (10, 4),
@h3 numeric (10, 4),
@h4 numeric (10, 4),
@h5 numeric (10, 4),
@h6 numeric (10, 4),
@h7 numeric (10, 4),
@h8 numeric (10, 4),
@h9 numeric (10, 4),
@h10 numeric (10, 4),
@h11 numeric (10, 4),
@h12 numeric (10, 4),
@h13 numeric (10, 4),
@h14 numeric (10, 4),
@h15 numeric (10, 4),
@h16 numeric (10, 4),
@h17 numeric (10, 4),
@h18 numeric (10, 4),
@h19 numeric (10, 4),
@h20 numeric (10, 4),
@h21 numeric (10, 4),
@h22 numeric (10, 4),
@h23 numeric (10, 4),
@h24 numeric (10, 4))
Set nocount on
Declare @codigo_barra int
Declare @count_reg int
--select * from tb_programa_semanal
--sp_help tb_programa_semanal
select @codigo_barra = codigo_barra
from tb_barra
where descripcion_barra = @BarNom
select @count_reg = count(*)
from tb_programa_semanal
where codigo_barra = @codigo_barra
and Fecha = @Fecha
if (@count_reg = 0)
insert into tb_programa_semanal (Codigo_barra,Fecha,FP_h1,FP_h2,FP_h3,FP_h4,FP_h5,FP_h6,
values (@codigo_barra,@Fecha,@h1,@h2,@h3,@h4,@h5,@h6,@h7,@h8,@h9,@h10,@h11,@h12,@h13,@h14,
End --fin if (@count_reg = 0)
update tb_programa_semanal
set FP_h1 = @h1,
FP_h2 = @h2,
FP_h3 = @h3,
FP_h4 = @h4,
FP_h5 = @h5,
FP_h6 = @h6,
FP_h7 = @h7,
FP_h8 = @h8,
FP_h9 = @h9,
FP_h10 = @h10,
FP_h11 = @h11,
FP_h12 = @h12,
FP_h13 = @h13,
FP_h14 = @h14,
FP_h15 = @h15,
FP_h16 = @h16,
FP_h17 = @h17,
FP_h18 = @h18,
FP_h19 = @h19,
FP_h20 = @h20,
FP_h21 = @h21,
FP_h22 = @h22,
FP_h23 = @h23,
FP_h24 = @h24
where codigo_barra = @codigo_barra
and Fecha = @Fecha
End --fin else
End --fin Create
If exists (Select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'sp_i_programa_semanal')
Select ' -- SP: sp_i_programa_semanal creado >>'
One thing that I need to add the data to fill that SP
comes from an excel file that I already uploaded