Create an array in a PHP class [closed]


Good morning, I have to do the following exercise

I have done the following

class Jugador {

    private $numeroJug;
    private $ptos;

    function __construct($numeroJug) {
        $this->numeroJug = $numeroJug;

function getNumeroJug() {
    return $this->numeroJug;

 function getPtos() {
    return $this->ptos;

function addPuntos($ptos){




    return $sumaPtos;



class Equipo{


I have doubts as to what was done in the addPtos method of if it would be like this and above all I do not know how the player-type players array would be introduced in the Team class.

Thank you very much

asked by Francisco Romero 27.01.2018 в 16:34

2 answers


I leave this answer done quickly.

Maybe some controls are missing in the class, but seeing as it was an exercise I did not want to get involved with very advanced things.

Class Jugador

In the addPuntos method there was a design error. A method of adding should not return anything. To know the state of the object use a getter The purpose of the method is to add points to the object, not return the points you have, for that there is the method getPuntos() .

class Jugador {

    private $numeroJug;
    private $ptos; 

    function __construct($numeroJug) {
        $this->numeroJug = $numeroJug;

    function getNumeroJug() {
        return $this->numeroJug;

     function getPtos() {
        return $this->ptos;

    function addPuntos($ptos){
    //    return $sumaPtos; ERROR DE DISEÑO

Class Equipo

Basically it would be this:

It would have a property called $jugador of type array , which would save an array of Jugador objects passed through the addJugador() method.

The method getTotal() calculates the total points of all the players, obtaining them and adding them by means of the method getPuntos of the object Jugador .

It can also be verified that the parameter passed to the method is of type Jugador using instanceof ... That way the method is prevented from receiving anything.

There are more advanced controls that can be used, but that will already depend on you and the requirements you have.

class Equipo{
    private  $jugador=array();

    function __construct() {


    function addJugador($unJugador){
        if ($unJugador instanceof Jugador) {

    function getTotal(){
        foreach($this->jugador as $arr) {
        return $total;


Test code


We are going to test our code.

/*Código de prueba*/

$unJugador=new Jugador(1);
$otroJugador=new Jugador(7);

$elEquipo=new Equipo();

echo "Total de puntos: ".$totalPuntos;
echo PHP_EOL;

/*Viendo un Jugador por dentro*/

/*Viendo el Equipo por dentro*/


For the total points:

Total de puntos: 80

Object Jugador :

object(Jugador)#1 (2) {

Object Equipo :

object(Equipo)#3 (1) {
  array(2) {
    object(Jugador)#1 (2) {
    object(Jugador)#2 (2) {
answered by 27.01.2018 / 17:55

Well I do not know or do not understand the images very well, but the easiest way to convert a variable into an array is as follows:

$a[] = $v;

Or also:

$var = (array)$arr;

but to control the N times you can do a cycle:

$n =10; //parametro delimitador del ciclo
    $a[$c] = $v;
answered by 27.01.2018 в 17:35