delete scientific notation in a csv file [closed]


I have a problem, when generating a .csv file with php when opening it in excel a field that I have named as a location card that has more than 15 numeric characters when opened it changes it to this notation

The idea is that when opening the excel should show me this data: "101210010000001" but the excel changes it this way: "1.0121E + 14"

asked by Angel Gutierrez 19.03.2018 в 16:22

1 answer


It's a format problem. Since the default format is General , you change it to scientific notation.

To solve it with that row, and with all the others, it would be convenient:

  • 1 select that full column
  • 2 in the top menu go to Formato / Celdas
  • 3 in the window that will open select the tab Número if not already selected
  • 4 then, in Categoría , select Número .
  • 5 set the posiciones decimales to 0
  • 6 make sure that the Usar separador de miles box is not checked .
  • 7 Finally, click on Aceptar .

Clarifying edition comment :

This problem is due to the format, not the size of the cell.

Here the size of the cell has been enlarged, leaving the format set in General :

Here we set the format to Numero , applying what is said above in the answer:

When there is a problem of spatial size, Excel does not convert to scientific notation, but shows # ... until the size of the column is extended.

answered by 19.03.2018 / 18:01