I have the following problem .. on a server I have a project and it is in a Bitbucket repository.
If I do git shortlog -sn
I'm ready:
36 root
4 Mi User
I need to add another authorized user from Bitbucker to commit and push
I have the following problem .. on a server I have a project and it is in a Bitbucket repository.
If I do git shortlog -sn
I'm ready:
36 root
4 Mi User
I need to add another authorized user from Bitbucker to commit and push
You must go to Settings -> User and group access -> Users
and add the user by mail. Remember that the user must be registered in bitbucket to appear in the list.
Here is an image for you to guide:
Also check that the url of the repository does not contain your user. Execute the following command:
git remote -v
If your user appears in the url then you have to edit and change it by the user who will use the repository. This is done with the following command:
git remote set-url origin https://<nombre_de_tu_cuenta>@bitbucket.org/<la_nueva_cuenta>/<nombre_repositorio>
you can change user
open git bash and configure the email and the name of your other user
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git config --global user.name 'JuanPerez'
and you can verify the user with whom you are with
git config --list