Several things:
PPanel1.setSize(PPanel1.getWidth() * 1.25, PPanel1.getHeight() * 1.25);
- The first instruction should not work, since the width and
height that receive the setSize method are integers (and there you are implicitly converting to double by multiplying by 1.25).
CZoom and changePosition are two variables whose origin I do not know.
That said, you do not specify in what kind of event you want the resizing to occur, so I've solved it with MouseEntered and MouseExited (more information < a href="" title="Mouse Listener"> here ):
private void etiqueta1MouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
etiqueta1.setFont(new Font(
etiqueta1.getFont().getSize() * 2));
panel1.setSize(panel1.getSize().width + 100, panel1.getSize().height + 100);
this.setSize(this.getSize().width + 100, this.getSize().height + 100);
private void etiqueta1MouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
etiqueta1.setFont(new Font(
etiqueta1.getFont().getSize() / 2));
panel1.setSize(panel1.getSize().width - 100, panel1.getSize().height - 100);
this.setSize(this.getSize().width - 100, this.getSize().height - 100);
Initial Status
When I move the mouse over the label, what I do is change the font size to double the current one, and increase the size of the class object JPanel and of its own JFrame in 100 pixels.
When I leave the label I reverse the process, leaving everything as it was.