I would like to know the usefulness and functionality of this method (actually I do not know if it is a method) ".".join
. I have seen it in several examples and forums but its concept has not yet become clear to me. If you could give me an example of its usefulness as simple as possible I would appreciate it.
In particular I am trying to understand its functionality with the following example:
#Complementariedad de cadenas de ADN
#solicitar al usuario la cadena:
sequence = str(input('Enter DNA sequence:'))
# creacion del diccionario con sensibilidad de mayusculas y minisculas.
dic = {"A":"T" or "t",
"G":"C", "a": "T", "t": "A", "c": "G", "g": "C" }
#salida de datos. Cadena complementaria.
print(''.join([dic[bases] for bases in sequence]))