I am studying how to make pipes to child processes; I wrote this test code that creates a series of children (4 in this example), and opens pipes between them and the parent process (at least I would like that):
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int Prueba(int N);
int main()
printf("%d\t",1); //Salida rara
//printf("%d\n",1); //Salida "esperada"
return 0;
int Prueba(int N)
int i,j;
int ind_hijo;
int pid_padre, *pid_hijo, **tuberia;
pid_hijo = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
tuberia = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*)*N);
tuberia = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*)*N);
pid_hijo[i]=-1; //Inicializo el array de hijos
pid_padre = getpid();
if(getpid() == pid_padre) //El padre (y solo el padre) crea hijos
pipe(tuberia[i]); //Se abren dos descriptores de archivo por cada hijo que se va a crear
pid_hijo[i]=fork(); //Se crea el i-esimo hijo
if(pid_hijo[i] == 0)
pid_padre = -1; //De este modo se distingue a los hijos del padre rapidamente
close(tuberia[i][0]); //Cada hijo cierra el extremo de lectura de su tubo...
close(tuberia[i][1]); //... y el padre cierra los extremos de escritura de sus tubos
if(pid_padre == -1)
//... Codigo ...
exit(0); //se cierra cada proceso hijo
while(wait(NULL)>0); //El padre espera a que todos los hijos esten cerrados
close(tuberia[i][0]); //El padre cierra los descriptores de archivo abiertos (esto es necesario??)
return 0;
The program itself does nothing, just create the children and then close them and write a symbol (a "1"). I expected that "1" would be written only once (and that's the way I write it with "\ n"). However, with the line
It turns out that the output in the terminal is:
1 1 1 1 1
I have done tests with another number of children, and the output is always the number of children +1. I do not understand anything of what is happening here.