I have the following code in jQuery:
alert ("Entro en cambio idioma.");
//elimino el comportamiento por defecto del enlace
type: 'GET',
url: 'FAjax.php',
data: {Eng},
dataType: 'json',
processData: false,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
cache: false,
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
alert("error ==>" + jqXHR.statusText);
alert("excepcion ==>" + errorThrown);
success: function(result) {
and this is the php code:
function cambioIdioma($lang) {
$_SESSION[Idioma] = $lang;
$conexion = mysqli_connect("$serverdb", "$usuariobd", "$passwddb", "$basedb");
mysqli_set_charset($conexion, 'utf8');
if (!$conexion) {
die('<strong>No pudo conectarse a la bse de datos:</strong> ' . mysqli_connect_error());
/* Consulta */
$qry = "SELECT * FROM lits WHERE Lang = '$lang';";
$res = mysqli_query($conexion, $qry);
$nvoitem = array();
while($linea = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$nvoitem = array ($linea['Actu']| $linea['Alim']| $linea['Band']| $linea['Bienve']| $linea['Contacto']| $linea['Descrip']| $linea['Env']| $linea['Flia']| $linea['Habi']| $linea['Home']| $linea['Idioma']| $linea['Leng']| $linea['Links']| $linea['Nidif']| $linea['NomCient']| $linea['NomCom']| $linea['NomOrd']| $linea['Orden']| $linea['Otras']| $linea['Pampa']| $linea['Peso']| $linea['Rec']| $linea['Ref']| $linea['Reg']| $linea['Tam']| $linea['Tit']| $linea['Todas']| $linea['Volver']);
echo json_encode($nvoitem);
The issue is not only that I do not receive anything, but I do not know what the problem is.