Basically I'm trying to program
for the function, which is then added random noise:
When M takes values of 5, 10 and 15.
What I have tried is:
clear all
n = 0:0.16:20;
k = 0;
X = cos((5*pi/4)*(n-k)) + sin(2*pi*(n-k) + pi/4);
Xr = X + (1.5*rand(1,length(X)) - 0.75); % x[n] con ruido aleatorio
Xrl = zeros(1,length(Xr),15);
grid on
title 'X[n] vs Xr[n]'
xlabel 'n'
ylabel 'Amplitud'
for M=[5 10 15]
for k = 0:M-1
Xrp = Xr;
Xrl(1,:,k+1) = Xrp;
Y = (1/M)*sum(Xrl,3); % Suma sobre la tercera dim. de Xrl por 1/M
hold on
The problem is that it returns the graph of figure 2 as a solid line, which would imply perfect adjustment for any M. Which is strange, my theory is that it is not evaluating for the variable k.
Thank you in advance for any help.