Lost of validationsummary when doing RedirectToAction


Good day.

my question is this, what happens is that I have a model like this:

  public class RegistroUsuarioDto
    public int Id { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Este campo no puede estar vacio!!!")]
    [Display(Name ="No. Documento")]
    public int Num_Documento { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Este campo no puede estar vacio!!!")]
    public string Nombres { get; set; }
    public string Apellidos { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Este campo no puede estar vacio!!!")]
    [Display(Name ="Correo Personal")]
    public string Email { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Este campo no puede estar vacio!!!")]
    [Display(Name ="Contraseña")]
    public string Password { get; set; }
    [Required(ErrorMessage ="Este campo no puede estar vacio!!!")]
    [Display(Name ="Confirmar Contraseña")]
    public string ConfirmPass { get; set; }

    public string Cargo { get; set; }

    public string Salario { get; set; }


and in my Action Index controller this:

  public ActionResult Index()
        var comboContratos = new List<ComboTiposContratos>();
        var comboAreas = new List<Areas>();
        var comboDocumentos = new List<Tipos_documento>();
        comboContratos = rudao.CargaComboContratos();
        comboAreas = rudao.CargaComboAreas();
        comboDocumentos = rudao.CargaComboDocumentos();
        var liscontratos = new SelectList(comboContratos, "Id", "Descripcion");
        var lisareas = new SelectList(comboAreas, "Id", "descripcion");
        var lisdocu = new SelectList(comboDocumentos, "Id", "Descripcion");
        ViewData["combocontratos"] = liscontratos;
        ViewData["comboareas"] = lisareas;
        ViewData["combodocu"] = lisdocu;
        return View();

I have another action with the [httppost] that receives my data from the form the question is that when my model is not valid it does not show me the messages since I have to do a redirecaction something like this:

     public ActionResult Registro(RegistroUsuarioDto rudto,  string  FechaIngreso, string FechaFin, int combocontratos = 0, int comboareas = 0, int combodocu = 0)

        if (ModelState.IsValid)

         int resultado = rudao.InsertUsuario(rudto, combocontratos, comboareas, FechaIngreso, FechaFin,combodocu);
            if(resultado == 0)
                return RedirectToAction("ViewsuccesUsuario", "HojaVidaDto");
                ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "No se ha registrado el usuario revisar!!!");
                return View("Index");

            ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "No se ha registrado el usuario revisar!!!");
            return RedirectToAction("Index");


The point is that I can not do a return view since my SelectList would be empty and generate an error. So how should I do to keep my validationSummary messages in view? and in general how should one handle these cases so as not to lose information?

asked by usernovell 25.09.2016 в 07:15

1 answer


Let's see, there are a couple of things to change so that the ModelState can work.

  • You must send the model to the view when it is invalid, so that the form can show the values that the user had   entered.

  • In the case of your view that requires combos, you must reload the data so I suggest you refactor it in   one method.

  • It would be advisable that you refactor your model and include the Income Date, comboareas, etc. in RegistroUsuarioDto to have a   more cohesive model and be able to facilitate showing the values   previously selected to the user when this does not pass the process of   validation.

         public ActionResult Registro(RegistroUsuarioDto rudto)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int resultado = rudao.InsertUsuario(rudto,rudto.combocontratos,rudto.comboareas,rudto.FechaIngreso,rudto.FechaFin,rudto.combodocu);
                //int resultado = rudao.InsertUsuario(rudto);
                if(resultado == 0)
                    return RedirectToAction("ViewsuccesUsuario", "HojaVidaDto");
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "No se ha registrado el usuario revisar!!!");
                    return View("Index",rudto);
                ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "No se ha registrado el usuario revisar!!!");
                return View("Index",rudto);
        private void PrecargarCombos(){
             var comboContratos = new List<ComboTiposContratos>();
             var comboAreas = new List<Areas>();
             var comboDocumentos = new List<Tipos_documento>();
            comboContratos = rudao.CargaComboContratos();
            comboAreas = rudao.CargaComboAreas();
            comboDocumentos = rudao.CargaComboDocumentos();
            var liscontratos = new SelectList(comboContratos, "Id", "Descripcion");
            var lisareas = new SelectList(comboAreas, "Id", "descripcion");
            var lisdocu = new SelectList(comboDocumentos, "Id", "Descripcion");
            ViewData["combocontratos"] = liscontratos;
            ViewData["comboareas"] = lisareas;
            ViewData["combodocu"] = lisdocu;
    answered by 26.09.2016 в 15:16