To do this you can assign a model for the search input and listen to the changes with ng-change
using a delay with $timeout
to give time to the user who finishes entering your search, then you take that value to make the request to the server and finally samples N number of results in a list. Here I give you an example:
<input type="text" ng-model="textoBusqueda" ng-change="buscar(textoBusqueda)">
<span ng-show="cargando">Cargando...</span>
<div class="resultadosBusqueda">
<li ng-repeat="sugerencia in results" ng-click="clienteSeleccionado = sugerencia">
{{ sugerancia.nombre }}
<h2 ng-if="clienteSelecionado">
<Strong>Cliente Seleccionado: </Strong> {{ clienteSeleccionado.nombre }}
.controller('clientesCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$http',
function($scope, clientesService, $timeout, $http){
$scope.results = [];
$scope.cargando = false;
$scope.clienteSeleccionado = null;
var URL_CLIENTES = 'api/v1/clientes/';
// Autocompletado Busqueda
var timer = null;
$scope.buscar = function(val){
if(timer) $timeout.cancel(timer);
timer = $timeout(exc, 800); //800 milisegundos de retardo
function exc(){
// Llamada al servidor
$scope.getClientes = function(val){
$scope.cargando = true; //mostrar "cargando en la vista"
return $'?limit=10', { q: val}).then(function(response){
$scope.results =;
$scope.cargando = false;
Using css you can give styles to the ul>li
so that it comes out in form attached to the inputs as options to complete.