I am developing software to calculate NDVI. What is NDVI? is a mathematical calculation with which you can determine the level of vegetation stress NDVI = NIR-RED / NIR + RED This result varies from -1 to 1 I'm using OpenCV as a library for artificial vision and Gdal to help calculations.
My idea is to be able to "colorize" the ranges that NDVI delivers, for example for values < 0 color those pixels with a red color.
My problem is that I can not go through the data matrix.
I enclose the code:
# Importamos Librerias a utilizar
from osgeo import gdal
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Abrimos la imagen a utilizar
img = cv2.imread('image01.JPG')
# Pasamos de RGB a HSV
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
# Claros
lw_range = np.array([4, 150, 0])
# Oscuros
up_range = np.array([34, 255, 255])
#Crear una mascara con solo los pixeles dentro del rango de verdes
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lw_range, up_range)
# resta para mostrar imagen original
res = cv2.bitwise_and(img,img, mask= mask)
# Procesamiento con Gdal
imgGedal = gdal.Open('imglimpia.tif', gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
num_bands = imgGedal.RasterCount
rows = imgGedal.RasterYSize
cols = imgGedal.RasterXSize
#print('Numero de Bandas {n}\n'.format(n=num_bands))
# Separamos por banda
blue = imgGedal.GetRasterBand(3)
green = imgGedal.GetRasterBand(2)
red = imgGedal.GetRasterBand(1)
blue_data = blue.ReadAsArray()
green_data = green.ReadAsArray()
red_data = red.ReadAsArray()
# Obtener Valores Minimo y Maximo
band_min, band_max, band_mean, band_stddev = blue.GetStatistics(0, 1)
print('Rango Azul: Minimo: {minimo} - Medio: {medio} - Maximo: {maximo} - Tamano: {sz}- STDDEV: {stddev}'
band_min, band_max, band_mean, band_stddev = green.GetStatistics(0, 1)
print('Rango Verde: Minimo: {minimo} - Medio: {medio} - Maximo: {maximo} - Tamano: {sz}- STDDEV: {stddev}'
band_min, band_max, band_mean, band_stddev = red.GetStatistics(0, 1)
print('Rango Rojo: Minimo: {minimo} - Medio: {medio} - Maximo: {maximo} - Tamano: {sz}- STDDEV: {stddev}'
# Calcular NDVI = ((Nir-Blue)/(Nir+Blue))
resta = cv2.subtract(red_data,blue_data)
suma = cv2.add(red_data,blue_data)
ndvi = cv2.divide(resta,suma)
print 'NDVI MIN : ',ndvi.min()
print 'NDVI MEDIO : ',ndvi.mean()
print 'NDVI MAX : ',ndvi.max()
After this, I want to go through the data array to color pixels
# Creamos los colores
greenyellow = [4,255,173]
yellow = [0,255,255]
yellowred = [4,111,255]
green = [0,255,0]
greenyellow = [0,255,146]
blue = [255,0,0]
red = [0,0,255]
white = [255,255,255]
black = [0,0,0]
y = np.zeros((4000,3000,3),np.uint8) # img coloreada
cols,rows,band = y.shape
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
for k in ndvi[i,j]:
print (str([i,j,k]) + '\n')
if k < 0.0 :
y[i,j] = red
if 0.0 < k < 0.2 :
y[i,j] = yellowred
if 0.2 < k < 0.4 :
y[i,j] = yellow
if 0.4 < k < 0.6 :
y[i,j] = greenyellow
if k > 0.6 :
y[i,j] = green
y[i,j] = black
this is the error that generates me:
for k in ndvi[j,i]:
TypeError: 'numpy.uint8' object is not iterable