With the following code I have to search in a BD = payments and if 'payment_date' is equal to today I will show it in the view. And according to what I found, I added an accountant. If you found 2 results the value of the variable $ varnum = 2. But my question is how can I do the same without going to a view, direct from the controller. My goal is if I find 2 that match "today" I can save it in a BD = system-> numph. Even if there are suggestions in my vision code, I accept them because I am just learning.
I have a driver (UpdateController.php)
public function index(Request $request)
$hoy = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString();
$payments = Payment::searchdatepay($hoy)->orderBy('id','ASC')->paginate(10);
return view('update.update')->with(['payments'=> $payments, 'varnum' => 0]);
a scope (Payment.php)
protected $table = "payments";
protected $fillable = ['loan_id', 'id', 'pago', 'pagado', 'motivo', 'estado', 'fecha_pago', 'fecha_promesa', 'pago_abono', 'pago_adeudo', 'dias_atraso', 'asesor', 'remember_token', 'created_at', 'updated_at'];
public function scopeSearchDatePay($query, $var)
return $query->where('fecha_pago','LIKE',"%$var%");
a view (update.update)
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Fecha de Pago</th>
@foreach($payments as $payment)
<td>{{ $varnum = 1 + $varnum }}</td>
<td>{{ $payment -> id }}</td>
<td>{{ $payment -> fecha_pago }}</td>
<td>{{ $payment -> motivo }}</td>
<td>{{ $payment -> estado }}</td>
{!! $payments-> render() !!}
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