Local dependencies using the tools for NodeJS in VS2015


I'm trying to compile a project from nodejs, with VS2015.

The main project has sub projects in sub folders, that is to say that in each sub-folder there is a package.json with its own code and each one declares the dependencies to the other projects.

The problem I have is that when I try to run any example of the main project, instead of using the sub-folders packages, it downloads all the packages from npm registry .

My question is: How can I configure visual studio to use the code of the sub-projects without downloading the packages from the internet?

asked by rnrneverdies 20.01.2016 в 15:47

2 answers


The functionality you're looking for is provided by npm-link that allows you to establish a symbolic link to the source code of a package and so you can debug without going crazy. (This article in English is very interesting: npm link: developing your own npm modules without tears )

The way to use it in your case would be the following:

  • In each of the subprojects you execute npm link
  • In the main project npm link subproyecto1 ... npm link subproyectoN

I've done a test with Visual Studio 2015 creating a solution with two projects

|- nodejs-projectdeps-main
|- nodejs-projectdeps-module1

package.json file of nodejs-projectdeps-main

  "name": "nodejs-projectdeps-main",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "nodejs-projectdeps-main",
  "main": "app.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "azure": "^0.10.6",
    "nodejs-projectdeps-module1": "0.0.0"

package.json file of nodejs-projectdeps-module1

  "name": "nodejs-projectdeps-module1",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "nodejs-projectdeps-module1",
  "main": "app.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "dockerctl": "0.0.0"

Then I have executed npm link in the project portfolio nodejs-projectdeps-module1 with the following result:

  -> C:\src\nodejs-projectdeps\nodejs-projectdeps-module1

Then I have executed npm link nodejs-projectdeps-module1 in the project folder nodejs-projectdeps-main and the result has been:

  -> C:\Users\...\npm\node_modules\nodejs-projectdeps-module1 
    -> C:\src\nodejs-projectdeps\nodejs-projectdeps-module1

This is how the solution is in Visual Studio 2015 showing the dependencies between packages:

Update : The source code of the tests I have done is published in GitHub

answered by 19.02.2016 / 20:15

You can specify in your file package.json the dependency to a local repository instead of specifying the version.

For example:

    "dependencies": {
        "bar": "file:ruta/a/tu/proyecto"

More information at: package.json - Local Paths

answered by 20.01.2016 в 16:17