I'm getting into laravel and I had a problem when trying to edit some images. When creating or registering a product with its respective image there is no problem as I do not use ajax. but at the time of editing I can not access the data generated by the image selector
1: result in console: link
- Because of this I can not change to a unique name, copy the image etc etc
2: ajax code:
var id = $("#id").val();
var name = $("#name").val();
var unit_cost = $("#unit_cost").val();
var image= $("#image").prop('files')[0];
var route = "{{url('admin/products/')}}/"+id+"";
var token = $("#token").val();
url: route,
headers: {'X-CSRF-TOKEN': token},
type: 'PUT',
dataType: 'json',
processData: false,
data: { '_token': '{{ csrf_token() }}',name:name,unit_cost:unit_cost,image:image},
success: function(data){
if (data.success == 'true')
window.location = '{{ route('products.index')}}' ;*/
if (data.status == 422) {
3: controller: link
public function update (Request $ request, $ id { $ product = Product :: FindOrFail ($ id); $ nameFile = $ request- > file ('image');
return response () - & jt; json (['success' = > 'true', 'data' = > $ nameFile]) }
4: html - > button that calls the modal
<span data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal-EProduct">
<a class="btn btn-warning btn-xs" onclick='Mostrar({{$product->id}});' id="#modal-EProduct{{ $product->id }}" data-original-title="Editar" data-target='#modal-EProduct' data-toggle="tooltip">
<i class="fas fa-wrench"></i>
--- Modal
{!! Form :: open (['id' = > 'form', 'autocomplete' = > 'off']) !!} × Editanto Product
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}" id="token">
<input type="hidden" id="id">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6">
{!! Form::label('name','Nombre del Producto') !!}
{!! Form::text(
'placeholder' =>'Nombre del Producto',
'required']) !!}
<div class="col-xs-6">
{!! Form::label('unit_cost','Precio Unitario') !!}
{!! Form::text(
'placeholder' =>'Precio Unitario',
'required','onkeypress'=>"return valida(event)"]) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!! Form::label('image','Imagen') !!}
<img id="url" src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Image" height="15%" width="15%">
{!! Form::file(
) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
<div class="modal-footer">
<div class="form-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
{!!link_to('#', $title='Actualizar2', $attributes = ['id'=>'actualizar2', 'class'=>'btn btn-primary'])!!}
when using the modal to edit the image I find it complicated and I have not found a help googling I hope your help. oh some advice or example of how I can edit data using a modal, avoiding creating a modal for each record (this is what I avoid when using ajax). beforehand thank you