Insert flag in listview Android


I have a listview which is filled with Arrayadapater custom with data I get from my SQLite bd.

The detail is that I need to insert a flag or an identifier in every detail of listview that shows me for example the listview can show me 4 rows with their details and there is a edittext which the user enter a quantity, then the user may only enter a quantity in the first line or the others leave blank, then I have a for where I go through my array and make a sum and then apply the payment, the detail is when I apply the payment affects me all the lines and it should not be like that, I leave my code:

Method where my array is collected and I do the addition and I update to my tables

public void LLenarDetalle()

    boolean PagoCeros=false;

    boolean Activo=false;

    String Referencia = "", Folio = "";

    int Cliente = 0;

    Double Factor=0.0, Importe=0.0, Descuento=0.0, SubTotal=0.0, Total=0.0, IVA=0.0,Retencion1=0.0,Retencion2=0.0,IEPS=0.0, ISH=0.0, Financiamiento=0.0, SaldoC = 0.0, SaldoV = 0.0;

    Double DFactor=0.0;

    for(int i=0;i<DetalleArrayList.size();i++) {

        if (((((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).TotalAplicado>0) && (PagoCeros==false)) || ((((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).TotalAplicado==0) && (PagoCeros==true)))
                            DFactor = ((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).TotalAplicado / ((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).Total;
                            Importe += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).Importe*DFactor);   //Importe
                            Financiamiento +=  (Double)0.0;  //Financiamiento
                            Descuento += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).Descuento*DFactor); //Descuento
                            SubTotal += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).SubTotal*DFactor);   //Subtotal
                            Retencion1 += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).Retencion1*DFactor); //Retencion1
                            Retencion2 += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).Retencion2*DFactor);  //Retencion2
                            IEPS += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).IEPS*DFactor);   //IEPS
                            IVA += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).IVA*DFactor); //IVA
                            ISH += (Double)0.0; //ISH
                            Total += (Double)(((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).Total*DFactor);  //Total
                            SaldoC += ((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).Saldo-DetalleArrayList.get(i).TotalAplicado;  //Saldo
                            Referencia = "Android App Desconectado";//Referencia
                            Cliente = ((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).getCliente();
                            Folio = ((CXCPDetalle)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).getFolio();


    int i = 0;

            ContentValues Newvalues = new ContentValues();
            Newvalues.put(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Saldo, SaldoC);

            ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();
            newValues.put(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_SAldo, SaldoC);

    update(SqliteDB.DBhelper.TABLE_NAME_DETA ,newValues,SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_CLiente + " = " + Cliente + SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Folio + " = " + Folio,null);

    update(SqliteDB.DBhelper.TABLE_NAME, Newvalues, SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Cliente + " = " + Cliente,null);



Code Techwatcher which works when I insert an amount in edittext add it up

private class TB_Abono_Watcher implements TextWatcher{

   Button pagar =(Button)findViewById(;
    private View view;
    private TB_Abono_Watcher(View view) {
        this.view = view;

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s)
        CXCPDetalle O_CXCPDetalle = (CXCPDetalle)((EditText)view.findViewById(;

        SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("ONC_Settings", 0);
        if (settings.getInt("ONControlConexion",0) == 0) {
            if (O_CXCPDetalle.getViewChanged()==false) {

                O_CXCPDetalle.TotalAplicado = ONC_SYS.NullToZeroDouble(s.toString());

                Double Total = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < O_Resultado.DetalleArray.size(); i++) {
                    if (((CXCPDetalle) O_Resultado.DetalleArray.get(i)).TotalAplicado > 0) {
                        Total += ((CXCPDetalle) O_Resultado.DetalleArray.get(i)).TotalAplicado;
                DecimalFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,##0.00");
                ((TextView) findViewById(;

                if (Total == 0) {
                    ((Button) findViewById(;
                    ((Button) findViewById(;
                } else {
                    ((Button) findViewById(;
                    ((Button) findViewById(;

                //Validacion que no te deje hacer un abono Mayo al saldo vencido
                if (O_CXCPDetalle.getSaldo() < O_CXCPDetalle.TotalAplicado) {
                    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "No puedes Aplicar un Abono Mayor al SaldoVencido", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                    ((EditText) view.findViewById("");

            if (O_CXCPDetalle.getViewChanged()==false) {

                O_CXCPDetalle.TotalAplicado = ONC_SYS.NullToZeroDouble(s.toString());

                Double Total = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < DetalleArrayList.size(); i++) {
                    if (((CXCPDetalle) DetalleArrayList.get(i)).TotalAplicado > 0) {
                        Total += ((CXCPDetalle) DetalleArrayList.get(i)).TotalAplicado;
                DecimalFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,##0.00");
                ((TextView) findViewById(;

                if (Total == 0) {
                    ((Button) findViewById(;
                    ((Button) findViewById(;
                } else {
                    ((Button) findViewById(;
                    ((Button) findViewById(;

                //Validacion que no te deje hacer un abono Mayo al saldo vencido
                if (O_CXCPDetalle.getSaldo() < O_CXCPDetalle.TotalAplicado) {
                    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "No puedes Aplicar un Abono Mayor al SaldoVencido", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                    ((EditText) view.findViewById("");


Arrayadapter where I fill my adapter

 public class MyArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<CXCPDetalle> {
    public MyArrayAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<CXCPDetalle> ArrayClientes) {
        super(context, 0, ArrayClientes);

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        CXCPDetalle O_CXCPDetalle = getItem(position);
        if (convertView == null)
            convertView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.row_detalle, parent, false);
            ((EditText) convertView.findViewById( TB_Abono_Watcher(convertView));

        ((EditText) convertView.findViewById(;
        if(O_CXCPDetalle.TotalAplicado != 0){
            ((EditText) convertView.findViewById(;
        else {

        DecimalFormat numberFormat  = new DecimalFormat("###,##0.00");

        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");

      // ((TextView)convertView.findViewById(;
        ((TextView)convertView.findViewById( +" - "+ O_CXCPDetalle.getParcialidad()));

        double Abono = 0.0;
        Abono = O_CXCPDetalle.getTotal()- O_CXCPDetalle.getSaldo();

        //Devolver al ListView la fila creada
        return convertView;

I leave you the details screen

asked by Hugo Rodriguez 19.07.2016 в 19:09

1 answer


OK I'm not sure if I understood what you need but basically to modify the row face views or rows you need to add an identifier this is possible with the [View] .setTag ("identifier") method; You can do this with any type of view. so I would in any case do something like this.

// Antes del return colocar un identificador en este caso el folio por que veo que parece un valor unico

//Devolver al ListView la fila creada
return convertView;

now your row already has an identifier where you need to access it, you can obtain it in the following way to manipulate it obviously.

in your for View filaView = listview.findViewWithTag(O_CXCPDetalle.getFolio()+"_"+position);

Now you have the view of a specific row I would save it in a View object and get all the other examples

TextView tw_total = (TextView) rowView.findViewById (;

// osea hace con ella lo que necesites yo por lo general valido en este punto que no sea null para evitar errores
answered by 13.10.2016 в 17:52