I'm trying to make a relationship between the users table and the companies table, the database was previously created outside of rails, so the primary key of companies is "company" and the user "user", the relationship : a company has many users and a user belongs to a company, being my business model the following:
class Empresa < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = 'idempresa'
has_many :usuarios, class_name: "Empresa", foreing_key: "empresa_id"
and the user model:
class Usuario < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = 'idusuario'
belongs_to :empresa, class_name: "Usuario"
but at the time of running User.last.company in the rails console, I should get the data of the company of the last user, but what I get is this:
Usuario Load (1.3ms) SELECT "usuarios".* FROM "usuarios" ORDER BY "usuarios"."idusuario" DESC LIMIT 1
Usuario Load (0.3ms) SELECT "usuarios".* FROM "usuarios" WHERE "usuarios"."idusuario" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["idusuario", 8]]
=> nil
What could I miss? thanks in advance