Currently for what I mention I use something similar to this:
SELECT * FROM 'tabla1' WHERE 'c2' LIKE 'leonidas' OR 'c1' LIKE 'leonidas'
OR 'c0' LIKE 'leonidas'
What I am interested in knowing is, if I can do some sort of grouping of all the fields where I am going to search to only have to put the "LIKE 'leonidas'" Only once.
The result that I am looking for is to show * the data of the table where at least 1 of the 3 fields (c0, c1 or c2) is the value leonidas.
Example of the data that the query would bring me:
1. id | name | c1 | c2 | c0
2. 3278| A | leonidas | null | gorgo
3. 3499| F | null | leonidas | leonidas
4. 4402| Y | gorgo | plistarco | leonidas