I will mention only three important and demonstrable reasons why you should have a separate table, as you have it now:
Integrity / Maintenance / Error handling : this reason is enough to have a separate table. If you handle the data by repeating it again and again you expose yourself to thousands or millions of possible errors such as: TRDE
... and keep counting. None of these erroneous data will appear when you make queries as WHERE turno = 'TARDE'
. In any system the most dangerous virus to control is the user when he grabs a keyboard ... and our generation is characterized by spelling errors. I see at least one almost daily in the only thing I see on TV (the news or news as they say in America) and I speak of a developed country: Spain.
Flexibility : having a separate table will support any evolution of the data model with less traumas. Imagine that later a task can be done in several shifts. It would be necessary to create a new table called for example tareas_turnos
, move to that new table the id_tarea
and the id_turno
of each row and from there continue to maintain the new data model without too many complications.
Space : Suppose it is a table intended to store millions of rows. It is not the same to have millions of VARCHAR
than millions of TINYINT
or millions of CHAR(1)
Maybe there are more reasons, but I think these three are enough to see clearly that it is convenient to have a separate table.