I have a class PaneClient
, which uses CardLayout
and "above" this view are other 2 views: paneAttributeSet
and paneRegisterClient
The problem is when I try to call the method getFieldData()
from the controller PaneRegisterClientController
of the view paneRegisterClient
by clicking on the Register button of said view, the method must return an object of type Client
initialized with the input of the user that would be the ID and name of the client, but the values assigned to the object Client
end up being null, it is as if the method could not assign the values inserted in the textfields.
Class PaneClient
public class PaneClient{
..........botones para CRUD.............
private JPanel viewClientPane;
private ClientView clientView = new ClientView();
private AttributesView theAttribView = new AttributesView();
private ClientAttributeSetManagement paneAttributeSet = new ClientAttributeSetManagement();
public PaneRegisterClient paneRegisterClient = new PaneRegisterClient();
public PaneClient() {
setLayout(new CardLayout());
protected void initComponents() {
MigLayout layout = new MigLayout("wrap 2", "[grow] [] ", "[] [] []");
viewClientPane = new JPanel(layout);
// put all the panels together
viewClientPane.add(clientView, "flowx,alignx left,growy");
viewClientPane.add(getCrudButtonsPanel(), "cell 0 0");
viewClientPane.add(theAttribView, "cell 0 1");
viewClientPane.add(getNavButtonsPanel(), "south");
// añade las views
add(viewClientPane, "viewClientPane");
add(paneAttributeSet, "pane Aset");
add(paneRegisterClient, "pane Register client");
public PaneRegisterClient getPaneRegisterClient() {
return paneRegisterClient;
Class PaneRegisterClient
private JButton registerButton = new JButton("Register");
private JButton backButton = new JButton("Back");
private JButton finishButton = new JButton("Finish");
public JTextField txtClientID = new JTextField(5);
public JTextField txtName = new JTextField(15);
private JPanel registerClientView;
public PaneRegisterClient() {
setLayout(new CardLayout());
private void initComponents() {
attributeView = new AttributesView();
MigLayout layout = new MigLayout("wrap 2", "[grow] [] ", "[] [] []");
viewClientPane = new JPanel(layout);
// put all the panels together
viewClientPane.add(getRegisterUserView(), "flowx,alignx left,growy");
viewClientPane.add(attributeView, "flowx,cell 0 1");
viewClientPane.add(registerButton, "cell 0 1");
viewClientPane.add(getNavButtonsPanel(), "south");
add(viewClientPane, "viewUserPane");
private JPanel getRegisterUserView() {
registerClientView = getPanel("Client data");
registerClientView.setLayout(new MigLayout("wrap 2", "[] 16 []"));
registerClientView.add(new JLabel("Client ID:"), "right");
registerClientView.add(new JLabel("Name:"), "right");
return registerClientView;
public boolean isEmptyFieldData() {
return (txtClientID.getText().trim().isEmpty() && txtName.getText().trim().isEmpty());
// el metodo llamado que no funziona
public Client getFieldData() {
Client client = new Client();
System.out.println("method getfieldata: " + client.getClientID() + client.getClientName());
return client;
public void addNavListener(ActionListener navListener) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void addRegListener(ActionListener regListener) {
Controller PaneRegisterClientController
public class PaneRegisterClientController {
private PaneClient paneClient;
private PaneRegisterClient paneRegisterClient;
private ClientBean clientBean = new ClientBean();
public PaneRegisterClientController(PaneClient pClient) {
this.paneClient = pClient;
this.paneRegisterClient = pClient.getPaneRegisterClient();
paneRegisterClient.addNavListener(new NavListener());
paneRegisterClient.addRegListener(new RegListener());
private void initComponents() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
class RegListener implements ActionListener {
Client client = paneRegisterClient.getFieldData();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
switch (e.getActionCommand()) {
case "Register":
if (paneRegisterClient.isEmptyFieldData()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Some fields are empty");
if (clientBean.create(client) != null) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "New user registered successfully.");
I suspect that the error is in the way I assign the PaneRegisterClient view to the Controller's tool:
private PaneClient paneClient;
private PaneRegisterClient paneRegisterClient;
public PaneRegisterClientController(PaneClient pClient) {
this.paneClient = pClient;
this.paneRegisterClient = pClient.getPaneRegisterClient();
Finally, the question is: what would be a correct way to pass data to the controller using CardLayout
and avoid this problem?