Rotate image with class Graphics


I have a little problem with my code, which has to do with the Graphics class. I need to draw a robot and after that I have to rotate the number of degrees set. I've tried with AffineTransform.getRotateInstance (rotate, centerx, centery), but I have not been able to call all the figures together (they're in a class called Figure) so I can rotate them, I need to call that class (Figure) in JPanelWorkArea to spin the robot, please if someone can help me, I would be very grateful. Figure class:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;

public class Figure {

private Graphics2D graphics2D;
private int size;
private Point point;
private double rotate;

 * Constructor encargado de asignarle un valor al tamaño y coordenadas del robot
 * @param size
 *            Tamaño de la figura
 * @param point
 *            Coordenada de la figura

public Figure(int size, Point point, double rotate) {
    this.size = size;
    this.point = point;
    this.rotate = rotate;

 * Asigna un determinado grafico para la construccion del robot
 * @param graphics2D
 *            Grafico asignado

public void setGraphics(Graphics2D graphics2D) {
    this.graphics2D = graphics2D;

public Graphics2D getGraphics() {
    return this.graphics2D;

 * Encargado de construir el sombrero del robot mediante un triangulo, con ayuda
 * del poligono

private void hat() {
    int[] hatX1 = { this.point.x + this.size / 2, this.point.x, this.point.x + this.size };
    int[] hatY1 = { this.point.y - this.size * 7 / 8, this.point.y, this.point.y };

    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(219, 32, 32));
    graphics2D.fillPolygon(hatX1, hatY1, 3);

 * Encargado de construir la cara del robot, con ayuda de un cuadrado

private void face() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(113, 126, 140));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x, this.point.y, this.size, this.size);

 * Encargado de construir las orejas del robot, con ayuda de arcos

private void ears() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(252, 88, 93));
    graphics2D.fillArc(this.point.x - this.size / 4, this.point.y + this.size / 4, this.size / 2, this.size / 4, 90,
    graphics2D.fillArc(this.point.x + this.size * 3 / 4, this.point.y + this.size / 4, this.size / 2, this.size / 4,
            90, -180);

 * Encargado de construir los ojos del robot, a partir de cuadrados, y poligonos
 * de rombos para las pupilas

private void eyes() {
    int[] eye1X = { this.point.x + this.size / 4, (int) (this.point.x + this.size * 1.5 / 8),
            this.point.x + this.size / 4, (int) (this.point.x + this.size * 2.5 / 8) };
    int[] eye1Y = { (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 2.5 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 8,
            (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 3.5 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 8 };
    int[] eye2X = { this.point.x + this.size * 3 / 4, (int) (this.point.x + this.size * 5.5 / 8),
            this.point.x + this.size * 3 / 4, (int) (this.point.x + this.size * 6.5 / 8) };
    int[] eye2Y = { (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 2.5 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 8,
            (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 3.5 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 8 };

    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(211, 211, 211));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x + this.size / 8, this.point.y + this.size / 4, this.size / 4, this.size / 4);
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x + this.size * 5 / 8, this.point.y + this.size / 4, this.size / 4, this.size / 4);
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0));
    graphics2D.fillPolygon(eye1X, eye1Y, 4);
    graphics2D.fillPolygon(eye2X, eye2Y, 4);

 * Encargado de construir la boca del robot mediante un rectangulo, y una linea
 * para los dientes

private void mouth() {
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x + this.size / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 5 / 8, this.size * 3 / 4,
            this.size / 4);
    graphics2D.drawLine(this.point.x + this.size / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 4,
            this.point.x + this.size * 7 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 4);

 * Encargado de construir la columna del robot, a traves de un rectangulo

private void column() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(111, 111, 111));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x + this.size * 3 / 8, this.point.y + this.size, this.size / 4,
            this.size * 11 / 4);

 * Encargado de construir el tronco del robot, junto con un cajon, con ayuda de
 * cuadrados

private void trunk() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(113, 126, 140));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x - this.size / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 8, this.size * 5 / 4,
            this.size * 5 / 4);
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(99, 99, 99));
    graphics2D.drawRect(this.point.x, this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 2, this.size, this.size);
    graphics2D.fillRect((int) (this.point.x + this.size * 0.3 / 8), (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 12.3 / 8),
            (int) (this.size * 7.6 / 8), (int) (this.size * 7.6 / 8));
    graphics2D.fillOval((int) (this.point.x + this.size * 6.5 / 8), (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 15.5 / 8),
            this.size / 8, this.size / 8);

 * Encargado de construir los hombros del robot con ayuda de rectangulos

private void shoulder() {
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x - this.size * 3 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 2, this.size / 4,
            this.size * 5 / 8);
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x + this.size * 9 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 3 / 2, this.size / 4,
            this.size * 5 / 8);
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x - this.size / 2, this.point.y + this.size * 13 / 8, this.size / 8,
            this.size * 3 / 8);
    graphics2D.fillRect((int) (this.point.x + this.size * 11.1 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 13 / 8, this.size / 8,
            this.size * 3 / 8);

 * Encargado de construir los brazos del robot, mediante rectangulos

private void arms() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(113, 126, 140));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x - this.size * 3 / 4, (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 7 / 4), this.size / 4,
            this.size / 8);
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x + this.size * 3 / 2, (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 7 / 4), this.size / 4,
            this.size / 8);
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x - this.size * 3 / 4, (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 7 / 4), this.size / 8,
            (int) (this.size * 7 / 8));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x + this.size * 7 / 4, (int) (this.point.y + this.size * 7 / 4), this.size / 8,
            (int) (this.size * 7 / 8));

 * Encargado de construir las manos del robot, con ayuda de poligonos
 * irregulares

private void hands() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(35, 92, 132));
    int[] hand1X = { this.point.x - this.size * 3 / 4, this.point.x - this.size * 7 / 8,
            (int) (this.point.x - this.size * 6.5 / 8), this.point.x - this.size * 3 / 4,
            this.point.x - this.size * 5 / 8, (int) (this.point.x - this.size * 4.5 / 8),
            this.point.x - this.size / 2, this.point.x - this.size * 5 / 8 };
    int[] hand1Y = { this.point.y + this.size * 21 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4,
            this.point.y + this.size * 23 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4,
            this.point.y + this.size * 23 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4,
            this.point.y + this.size * 21 / 8 };
    int[] hand2X = { this.point.x + this.size * 7 / 4, this.point.x + this.size * 13 / 8,
            (int) (this.point.x + this.size * 13.5 / 8), this.point.x + this.size * 7 / 4,
            this.point.x + this.size * 15 / 8, (int) (this.point.x + this.size * 15.5 / 8),
            this.point.x + this.size * 2, this.point.x + this.size * 15 / 8 };
    int[] hand2Y = { this.point.y + this.size * 21 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4,
            this.point.y + this.size * 23 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4,
            this.point.y + this.size * 23 / 8, this.point.y + this.size * 11 / 4,
            this.point.y + this.size * 21 / 8 };

    graphics2D.fillPolygon(hand1X, hand1Y, 8);
    graphics2D.fillPolygon(hand2X, hand2Y, 8);

 * Encargado de construir el cinturon del robot, con un rectangulo

private void belt() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(188, 120, 24));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x, this.point.y + this.size * 21 / 8, this.size, this.size / 4);

 * Encargado de construir el soporte del robot, mediante rectangulos

private void support() {
    graphics2D.setColor(new Color(93, 112, 112));
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x - this.size / 4, this.point.y + this.size * 15 / 4, this.size * 3 / 2,
            this.size / 8);
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x, this.point.y + this.size * 29 / 8, this.size, this.size / 8);
    graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x - this.size / 4, this.point.y + this.size * 15 / 4, this.size / 8,
                this.size / 2);
        graphics2D.fillRect((int) (this.point.x + this.size * 9.1 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 15 / 4, this.size / 8,
                this.size / 2);
        graphics2D.fillRect(this.point.x, this.point.y + this.size * 29 / 8, this.size / 8, this.size * 3 / 8);
        graphics2D.fillRect((int) (this.point.x + this.size * 7.1 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 29 / 8, this.size / 8,
                this.size * 3 / 8);

     * Encargado de construir las ruedas que permiten el movimiento del robot,
     * mediante circulos

    private void wheels() {
        graphics2D.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0));
        graphics2D.fillOval((int) (this.point.x - this.size * 2.5 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 17 / 4, this.size / 4,
                this.size / 4);
        graphics2D.fillOval((int) (this.point.x + this.size * 8.6 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 17 / 4, this.size / 4,
                this.size / 4);
        graphics2D.fillOval((int) (this.point.x - this.size * 0.5 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 4, this.size / 4,
                this.size / 4);
        graphics2D.fillOval((int) (this.point.x + this.size * 6.5 / 8), this.point.y + this.size * 4, this.size / 4,
                this.size / 4);

     * Encargado de ensamblar todas las partes del robot, y mostrarlo como una
     * unidad

    public void show() {

And this is the JPanelWorkArea class:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class JPanelWorkArea extends JPanel {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Figure figure;
    private double centrox = 600;
    private double centroy = 400;
    private double rotate;
    private Point point;
    private int size;

     * Constructor que le asigna un valor al atributo figure
     * @param figure
     *            Figura asignada

    public JPanelWorkArea(double rotate, Point p, int size) {
        this.point = p;
        this.rotate = rotate;
        this.size = size;

     * Metodo sobreescrito de la clase paint
     * @param graphics


     public void paintComponent(Graphics g){      
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; 


//          this.repaint();
asked by Fabian Cristancho 28.03.2018 в 23:24

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