I am presenting inconveniences to show the data I require. I currently have two tables that are related as follows:
Peliculas imagenes_peliculas
-id <--> -pelicula_id
-nombre -urlimg
by means of id I have that relationship the fact is that at the moment of generating the query with leftjoin that is the one that gives me the closest result even so it is not what I want.
The controller
public function ShowAllPeliculas(){
$list_peliculas = DB::table('peliculas')
->leftJoin('imagenes_peliculas', 'peliculas.id', '=', 'imagenes_peliculas.pelicula_id')
// return view('opciones.reporte')->with(['listado'=>$list_peliculas]);
This shows me something like this
At the moment I only have 50 records, but this query generates duplicate data, that is, a movie that has 2 or more images, that same number of images is repeated, the case of the record that I have broken down in the attached image.
the ideal and what would unravel since I have been trying for 4 hours is that the result is something like this
+"id": 28
+"codigo": "25550"
+"nombre": "Expanded reciprocal algorithm"
+"descripcion": "Et nostrum dolores eligendi. Assumenda maiores recusandae facere quae et doloribus totam omnis. Et doloremque est et consequuntur sunt quod dicta. Et in ut offi ▶"
+"created_at": "2018-04-12 06:32:48"
+"updated_at": "2018-04-12 06:32:48"
+"pelicula_id": 5
+"urlimg": array:3 [▼
0 => "1523514768_20728326_1629879290375693_7772596140945660817_n.jpg"
1 => "1523514768_20728326_162985660817_n.jpg"
2 => "1523514768_6140945660817_n.jpg"
I appreciate your attention, I hope you can help me.