Does anyone explain this exercise to me? [closed]


I'm doing this exercise:


Consider that you are developing a Java program where you work with   the Professor superclass and the ProfessorEmerit subclass. Create code for   to these classes that meet the requirements we indicate.


As attributes of the superclass we will have name (String), age (int)   and anysConsolidats (int) declared as protected.


The subclass will work with the declared aysEmerit additional field   as private.


A method of the subclass will be double getSalariBase () that you will get   base salary as (925 + anysConsolidats * 33.25 + 47.80 *   anysEmerit).


Try to access the aynsConsolidats field directly from the   subclass (as if it were one more field of the subclass) to implement   this method. It is possible without using a super invocation or a   get method? What happens if the attribute to the superclass you declare   private?

I have done this part of the code:


    protected String nom;
    protected int edat, anys_consolidats;


package Practica3_EX2;

public class ProfessorEmerit extends Professor{
    private int anyEmerit;

    //Metodos especiales
    public double obtenirSalariBase(double salariBase) {
        return salariBase=(925+anys_consolidats*33.25+47.80*anyEmerit);

But I have many doubts, for example, the method to obtain SalariBase () that must be done in the subclass, I have to create a variable called base salary? Something like this:

//Metodos especiales
    public double obtenirSalariBase(double salariBase) {
        return salariBase=(925+anys_consolidats*33.25+47.80*anyEmerit);
asked by Marc 28.03.2018 в 15:12

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