The simplest solution would be to implement the function BotsAttack()
that accepts two parameters, one reference to the attacking bot and the other to the defending bot:
void BotsAttack(Bots &atacante, Bots &defensor) {
int remain;
if (atacante.mana >= atacante.attack)
if (atacante.attack > defensor.shield)
remain = defensor.shield - atacante.attack;
defensor.hp += remain;
defensor.shield = 0;
printf("El atacante ataca con %d de danyo.\nDestruye el escudo y la vida restante del defensor es %d", atacante.attack, defensor.hp);
defensor.shield -= atacante.attack;
printf("El atacante ataca con %d e impacta con el escudo de l BotB pero no lo destruye", atacante.attack);
printf("El atacante no pudo atacar por que no le alcanza el mana\n");
and then you can make calls in main()
of BotsAttack(botA, botB)
for A to attack B and then BotsAttack(botB, botA)
for the opposite case.
A more "object-oriented" solution but without encapsulation would be to implement methods in your struct Bots, methods such as attackBot(el_otro)
, regenerarse()
and a constructor. The code will test it with clang ++ in MacOSx but it should work fine in MS VC ++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
struct Bots
const int regen = 5;
std::string name;
int hp;
int attack;
int shield;
int mana;
//Contructor con inicializacion
Bots(std::string name_):
name {name_},
hp {rand() % 50 + 50},
attack {rand() % 10 + 10},
shield {100},
mana {10}
//Metodo para mostrar su estado
void showStats(){
printf(" Stats para [%s] > [hp: %d] [attack: %d] [shield: %d] [mana: %d]\n",
name.c_str(), hp, attack, shield, mana);
// Metodo de regeneracion
void regenerate()
if (this->shield < 100 || this->mana < 100) {
this->shield += regen;
this->mana += regen;
printf(" [%s] > se pudo regenerar [hp: %d] [attack: %d] [shield: %d] [mana: %d]\n",
name.c_str(), hp, attack, shield, mana);
//This ataca al otro
void attackBot(Bots &other)
int remain;
if (this->mana >= this->attack) {
if (this->attack > other.shield) {
remain = other.shield - this->attack;
other.hp += remain;
other.shield = 0;
printf(" El %s ataca con %d de danyo.\nDestruye el escudo y la vida restante del %s es %d \n",
this->name.c_str(), this->attack,, other.hp);
} else {
other.shield -= this->attack;
printf(" El %s ataca con %d e impacta con el escudo de el %s pero no lo destruye\n",
this->name.c_str(), this->attack,;
} else {
printf(" %s no pudo atacar por que no le alcanza el mana\n", this->name.c_str());
int main()
int turno = 1; //Contador de turnos
srand(time(NULL)); //Semilla
Bots botA("Bot A");//nuevo bot con nombre Bot A
Bots botB("Bot B");
//ciclo de ataques
while(botA.hp >= 0 && botB.hp >= 0){ //Verificar si estan vivos
printf("====TURNO #%d =====================\n", turno);
botA.showStats(); //Mostramos caracteristicas
botA.attackBot(botB); // A ataca B
botB.attackBot(botA); // B ataca A
} //Siguinte turno
// la vida de alguno de los dos es menor o igual a 0
printf("====FIN #%d =====================\n", turno);