Creating a migration in Laravel 5.4 with MySQL 5.6 I can add an external reference perfectly if it is on the Id of another table, but I can not add it on a string index.
This works well on the Id field
CREATE TABLE 'stock' (
'id' int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
'component_id' int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
'code' varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
'quantity' int(11) NOT NULL,
'created_at' timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
'updated_at' timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY 'stock_component_code_code_unique' ('component_code','code'),
KEY 'stock_component_id_foreign' ('component_id'),
CONSTRAINT 'stock_component_id_foreign' FOREIGN KEY ('component_id') REFERENCES 'components' ('id') ON DELETE CASCADE
But I want about the VARCHAR field
CREATE TABLE 'stock' (
'id' int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
'component_id' int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
'code' varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
'quantity' int(11) NOT NULL,
'created_at' timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
'updated_at' timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY 'stock_component_code_code_unique' ('component_code','code'),
KEY 'stock_component_id_foreign' ('component_id'),
CONSTRAINT 'stock_component_code_foreign' FOREIGN KEY ('component_code') REFERENCES 'components' ('code') ON DELETE CASCADE
I get
#1215 - Cannot add foreign key constraint
What can I do? It's not Laravel's subject, I get the error in MySQL directly.
RESOLVED Separating in two Schema, the creation of the table and in another the creation of indices. So:
Schema::create('existencias', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->engine = 'InnoDB';
$table->string('componente_code',20); // FK
$table->string('site',20); // Código de ubicacion
$table->string('idlabel',20)->default(''); // Identificador visual
$table->integer('cantidad')->unsigned()->default(1); // Cantidad
$table->integer('cargas')->unsigned()->default(0); // Ciclos de cargas (Baterías)
$table->json('info')->nullable(); // Información Extra (Baterías)
$table->char('estado', 1)->default("I"); // Tipo DIA - Descartado/Inactivo/Activo - Rojo/Amarill/Verde
$table->timestamps(); // Modified At - fecha de última modificación
Schema::table('existencias', function($table) {
Thanks for your answers