It's simple, although I believe it through XmlDocument
You always have to place a root node, in my case it will be root
XmlDocument dataUser = new XmlDocument();
to create an element, just use the createElement, followed by the name of your node in parentheses and with quotes.
XmlElement statusElement = dataUser.CreateElement("status");
in this way you will have created a node.
To add a value to this node, you just have to do it using an InnerText followed by the value
statusElement.InnerText = "1";
Even though it seems to be over, you still do not save the node, to save it you should only use AppendChild followed by parentheses and the name of your node
When you finish all your nodes and only after you have finished, all the blank spaces disappear
dataUser.PreserveWhitespace = true;
This so that you do not have mistakes later. and finally save your XML file
Pd: you must leave two folders to get to the root of your project