I have not been able to receive the answer given to me by a Web Service for several days; My code is as follows:
$params = array('NitProveedor' => '860000896',
'baseDatos' => '1',
'FechaInicial' => '01/04/2016',
'FechaFinal' => '01/05/2016',
'numeroFacutura' => 'BO-00019421');
$wsdl = '';
$options = array(
try {
$soap = new SoapClient($wsdl, $options);
$data = $soap->ExtratoProveedor($params);
$xmlstring = $soap->__getLastResponse();
catch(Exception $e) {
The answer that returns the __getLastResponse()
if I do one:
echo $xmlstring = $soap->__getLastResponse();
Show me:
200132625BO-0001942101/04 / 2016860000896Other (Ch. Ger. - Carta) 24575000.003932000. COMERCIAL DIVERPLAZA -BOG
It's like the answer in a string does not include it as an array. If I right click to see source code it shows a kind of XML that looks like this:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>
<s:Body><ExtratoProveedorResponse xmlns='ERPNet/Financiero/Comunicaciones/CuentasPorPagar/ExtratoProveedor'><ExtratoProveedorResult><Facturas xmlns=''>
<FormaGiro>Otros (Ch. Ger. - Carta)</FormaGiro>
The problem is that when I try to parsed this response with simpleXML:
$xmlString = $ws->__getLastResponse();
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlString);
I try to show or access $ xml does not show anything; as if the load of $ xmlString could not recognize the format it receives in the response; I've even tried this:
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
and the answer you give me is this: String could not be parsed as XML
I have come to the conclusion that the XML obtained in the response is not compatible by its structure with the functionality of simpleXML so I would like to know if someone has addressed a similar problem and how it has been solved. NOTE: the WS response is type any.