how to create a query in eloquent to show a table with dates in laravel?


What I want to do is a table like this that is painted in excel with a query in eloquent de laravel what happens is that I already try several codes without success the only one that works is the one that I put in the post but only for the sql editor in my case I have it in xampp

This is the database I'm using link

this is the code that worked for me but only as a query in the terminal of xampp but it does not work in eloquent laravel I get an error when wanting to paint them in the html window by means of a foreach

   public function __construct(){

public function index(Request $request){
    if ($request){

        $material=DB::select(db::raw("SELECT vtm.fecha  fecha,
 (SELECT SUM(vtm2.cantidadMaterial) FROM vehiculo_transporte_material vtm2
  WHERE vtm.fecha=vtm2.fecha AND vtm2.idMaterial=1) AS arena,
  (SELECT SUM(vtm2.cantidadMaterial) FROM vehiculo_transporte_material vtm2
  WHERE vtm.fecha=vtm2.fecha AND vtm2.idMaterial=2) AS base,
  (SELECT SUM(vtm2.cantidadMaterial) FROM vehiculo_transporte_material vtm2
   WHERE vtm.fecha=vtm2.fecha AND vtm2.idMaterial=3) AS Subbase,
   (SELECT SUM(vtm2.cantidadMaterial) FROM vehiculo_transporte_material vtm2
   WHERE vtm.fecha=vtm2.fecha AND vtm2.idMaterial=4) AS filtrante,
   FROM vehiculo_transporte_material  as vtm
   GROUP BY vtm.fecha"));

   return view('traza.materiales.indexProduccion',

asked by Cristia Camilo Soto 25.05.2017 в 05:50

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