Good morning,
I have a problem with my WebView, I use my mobile device I open any browser (Chrome, Firefox), I enter into the web that I want to load in my webview and I navigate without problems. I can even play audios that are inside the web. For example, this website: link
But within my application, I have a Fragment with a webview that loads the web page perfectly, but when it comes to playing the audio, it does not do anything.
This is the code of my Fragment:
@SuppressLint("SetJavaScriptEnabled")//Activa contenido javascript en el webview
public class FragmentIvooxWebView extends Fragment {
private WebView webView;
private int iContNored = 0;/*Contador de veces mostrados los mensajes de no hay red*/
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Método que muestra el layout con el webview
* @param inflater
* @param container
* @param savedInstanceState
* @return
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_ivoox_webview, container, false);
webView = (WebView)view.findViewById(;
return view;
* Método que valida si el dispositivo tiene conexión a internet.
* De ser afirmativo, llama al método webview para cargar la web
* @param ctx
* @return Devuelve un boolean.
* @throws Exception
public boolean isNetworkConnected(Context ctx) throws Exception {
NetworkInfo ni = null;
try {
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
ni = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
}catch (Exception e){
throw new Exception("Se ha producido un error al intentar validar la conección a Internet");
if (ni == null) {
// There are no active networks.
if(iContNored < 2){
Toast.makeText(ctx, "Aviso\n" +
"No está conectado a ninguna red, revise su conexión Wifi o Datos móviles" , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
return false;
} else{
try {
}catch (Exception e){
throw new Exception(e);
return true;
* Método que carga la web de ivoox
private void webView(){
//Cargando el Webview con par�metros espec�ficos
WebSettings webSettings = this . webView . getSettings ();
webSettings . setJavaScriptEnabled ( true );
webSettings . setDomStorageEnabled ( true );
this . webView . setWebViewClient ( new WebViewClient());
this . webView . setWebChromeClient ( new WebChromeClient());
webSettings . setLoadWithOverviewMode ( true );
webSettings . setUseWideViewPort ( true );
webView.setOnKeyListener(new View.OnKeyListener()
public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
if(event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
WebView webView = (WebView) v;
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
return true;
return false;
//Carga la url en el webview
webView.setDownloadListener(new DownloadListener() {
public void onDownloadStart(String url, String userAgent,
String contentDisposition, String mimetype,
long contentLength) {
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
This is the error it gives:
04-07 10:14:49.278 2710-3213/ E/EGL_emulation: eglQueryContext 32c0 EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
04-07 10:14:49.278 2710-3213/ E/EGL_emulation: tid 3213: eglQueryContext(1484): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
04-07 10:14:49.615 2710-2710/ I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.", source: (0)
Interestingly I used to load another page in the webview and if you let me listen to the audios: link
The problem I'm having is within an iframe. If I use the iframe then it does not work.
<iframe id="audio_12038598" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" height="200" style="border:1px solid #EEE; box-sizing:border-box; width:100%;" src=""></iframe>
But if I use the following iframe, if it works.
<iframe id="audio_12038598" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" height="200" style="border:1px solid #EEE; box-sizing:border-box; width:100%;" src=""></iframe>
The only thing that changes from one iframe to another is the https for http.
This iframe is self-generated by the ivoox platform, and I have no way to touch it.
Is there any way that webview acepte iframes con https
Thank you very much for your help. I'm learning a lot from this community.