I'm doing a plugin for Maya (programmed in pymel), in which I need my panel to automatically refresh my list of objects that I have on the screen.
I have it done with a button that, when I give it, refreshes the list of objects, but I want it to be automatically:
I have read that these lines are the ones that do it automatically (they call my function refreshPlugin
cmds.scriptJob(event=["DagObjectCreated", refreshPlugin], parent=(window))
cmds.scriptJob(event=["Undo",refreshPlugin], parent =(window))
cmds.scriptJob(event=["Redo",refreshPlugin], parent =(window))
cmds.scriptJob(event=["NameChanged", refreshPlugin], parent =(window))
But instead of creating a new object list again, they make me stop showing everything. Any idea of what is failing me?