public String codificar(String text) {
String res="";
if (!text.isEmpty()){
for (int i = 0; i<text.length(); i++){
res+=busquedaDelCaracter(text.charAt(i), this.huffmanTree, this.huffmanTree.root(), res);
return res;
public String busquedaDelCaracter(Character ch, BinaryTree<Character> tree, Position<Character> pos, String path) {
return path+busquedaDelCaracter(ch,tree,pos,path)==null?"":busquedaDelCaracter(ch,tree,pos,path);
return path+busquedaDelCaracter(ch,tree,pos,path) == null?"":busquedaDelCaracter(ch,tree,tree.right(pos),"1"+path);
I put you in situation:
This is an exercise based on Huffman coding, only work with simple data structures.
Example of Huffman coding:
/ \
a .
/ \
c d
codificar("acd") ---> "0110111"
A la derecha = 1
A la izquierda = 0
Currently I have the code that I have shown you to code and the recursive method busquedaDelCaracter
. I do not know where the fault may be, could you guide me a bit?
Note, if you can not find a character, it's null
but when you return it you can not concatenate nulls.
Code already done and with 0 problems:
public String decode(String textocifrado) {
Position <Character> cursor = this.huffmanTree.root();
String decodeText="";
for(int i=0; i<textocifrado.length(); i++){
if(textocifrado.charAt(i) == '1'){
cursor = this.huffmanTree.right(cursor);
if(textocifrado.charAt(i) == '0'){
cursor = this.huffmanTree.left(cursor);
return decodeText;
And the constructor only works with a char[]paths
with a LinkedBinaryTree
called HuffmanTree and what it does is form the tree (you do not need to call the constructor) in the exercise I'm asking for help.