I am exposing an application (at the moment it is only your user scheme) with Django Rest Framework, and it happens to me that every model that I have serialized, in the url attribute, I have is the address of the localhost of my development machine and I do not take the hostname of my production machine which is in amazon EC2.
This picture can be detailed
How can I make the hostname of the machine where I am, in this case my production server that is an Amazon EC2 instance?
These are my serialized models in userprofiles/serializers.py
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from .models import User, PlayerProfile, CoachProfile, ViewerProfile
from rest_framework import serializers
# Serializers define the API representation
# Exponse the model and their fields
class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ('url','id', 'username', 'password','first_name','last_name','email','is_active',
class GroupSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Group
fields = ('url', 'name')
class PlayerProfileSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = PlayerProfile
fields = ('url', 'user','full_name','position',)
class CoachProfileSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = CoachProfile
fields = ('url', 'user','full_name',)
class ViewerProfileSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = ViewerProfile
fields = ('url', 'user','full_name','specialty')
This is my global urls.py file (not the userprofiles
application that contains the serialized models)
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.contrib import admin
from .views import home, home_files
from rest_framework import routers
from userprofiles import views
# Router provide an easy way of automatically determining the URL conf
router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'users', views.UserViewSet)
router.register(r'groups', views.GroupViewSet)
router.register(r'players', views.PlayerProfileViewSet)
router.register(r'coachs', views.CoachProfileViewSet)
router.register(r'views', views.ViewerProfileViewSet)
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
url(r'^$', home, name='home'),
home_files, name='home-files'),
# Wire up our API using automatic URL routing.
url(r'^api/v1/', include(router.urls)),
# If you're intending to use the browsable API you'll probably also want to add REST framework's
# login and logout views.
url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework'))
And this is my userprofiles/views.py
file where the serialized models are exposed
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from .models import User, PlayerProfile, CoachProfile, ViewerProfile
from rest_framework import viewsets
from .serializers import UserSerializer, GroupSerializer, PlayerProfileSerializer, CoachProfileSerializer, ViewerProfileSerializer
# Create your views here.
# Viewsets define the behavior of the view
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API endpoint that allows users to be viewed or edited.
queryset = User.objects.all().order_by('-date_joined')
serializer_class = UserSerializer
class GroupViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API endpoint that allows groups to be viewed or edited.
queryset = Group.objects.all()
serializer_class = GroupSerializer
class PlayerProfileViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API endpoint that allows players to be viewed or edited.
queryset = PlayerProfile.objects.all()
serializer_class = PlayerProfileSerializer
class CoachProfileViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API endpoint that allows coachs to be viewed or edited.
queryset = CoachProfile.objects.all()
serializer_class = CoachProfileSerializer
class ViewerProfileViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API endpoint that allows viewers to be viewed or edited.
queryset = ViewerProfile.objects.all()
serializer_class = ViewerProfileSerializer