Hello colleagues I have a form where I register the members of a club but I would like to insert a record if I reject it if it already exists and if it does not exist that I insert it, this is my code.
NpgsqlConnection cn = new NpgsqlConnection("SERVER=localhost;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=1234;DATABASE=Proyecto;");
NpgsqlCommand query = new NpgsqlCommand("INSERT INTO miembros (idmiembro,nombre,apellidos,sexo,grupo,fecha_nacimiento,domicilio,status)" + "VALUES ('" + txtId.Text + "','" + txtNombre.Text + "','"
+ txtApellidos.Text + "','" + txtSexo.Text + "','" + txtGrupo.Text + "' ,'" + txtNacimiento.Text + "' ,'" + txtDomicilio.Text + "' ,'" + txtStatus.Text + "')", cn);
MessageBox.Show("Miembro registrado exitosamente");
txtId.Text = "";
txtNombre.Text = "";
txtApellidos.Text = "";
txtSexo.Text = "";
txtGrupo.Text = "";
txtNacimiento.Text = "";
txtDomicilio.Text = "";
txtStatus.Text = "";