I can not get a file integer



#ifndef TEMA_H
#define TEMA_H
#include <string>
#include <fstream>**
using namespace std;

typedef struct{
    string title;
    string intr;
    int seg;

bool cargar(tTema &tema);
void mostrar(tTema tema);


#include "Tema.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){

    tTema tema;
bool cargar(tTema &tema){

    int num;
    bool ok = true;

    ifstream archivo;

    if (archivo.is_open()){
        archivo >> num;
        archivo >> tema.title;
        archivo >> tema.intr;
        archivo >> tema.seg;
    else {
        ok = false;
    return ok;

I know I need to finish the code but I have tried many things and the "int sec" never take them. The other elements of the structure take them well, any ideas?

The txt is like this

Dani Martin
asked by euridicegreyback 03.09.2016 в 14:16

2 answers


The problem you have is associated with handling the streams of the standard library of c++ .

When you want to take the value for intr instead of taking "Dani Martin" it takes "Dani", then you want to put a value type string in a type int , although it does not give an execution error, no you get the value you want (neither in intr , nor in seg ).

You could solve the issue using getline , but you have blank lines that you want to ignore and getline as opposed to >> does not ignore them.

An example of a solution is the following, it is very improvable, but it is a beginning.


#ifndef TEMA_H
#define TEMA_H
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

typedef struct{
    std::string title;
    std::string intr;
    int seg;

bool cargar(tTema &tema);
void mostrar(tTema tema);


#include "tema.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

int main(){

    tTema tema;
bool cargar(tTema &tema){

    int num;
    bool ok = true;

    std::ifstream archivo;

    //Variable auxiliar para saber linea con informacion es 
    int datosLeidos= 0;

    //Variable auxliar para leer las lineas del archivo
    std::string linea; 

    while (std::getline(archivo, linea)) {
      //Si la linea esta vacia, continua con la proxima
      if (linea.empty()) continue;

      std::stringstream is(linea);

      //Dependiendo de la linea leida
      //es la variable a la cual se asocia el valor  
      switch(datosLeidos) { 
        case 0:
          is >> num;
        case 1:
          is >> tema.title;
        case 2:
          //Necesitas tomar toda la linea
          getline(is, tema.intr);
        case 3:
          is >> tema.seg;
          std::cout << "Ya se leyeron 4 lineas. No hace nada.";

    //Si cargo los datos entonces esta ok.

    ok= (4 >= datosLeidos);

    //Para ver que hizo lo esperado 
    std::cout << num << std::endl;
    std::cout << tema.title << std::endl;
    std::cout << tema.intr << std::endl;
    std::cout << tema.seg << std::endl;

    return ok;

If you are going to keep doing things in C++ with input / output, I suggest you look at the Boost libraries on the subject ( Boost I / O ).

References (in English):

SO: Reading string with spaces in c ++

stringstream on cplusplus.com

answered by 03.09.2016 в 19:32

The > > > operator's problem is that it reads until you find a space ( '' ), a tabulator ( '\ t' ) or a line break ( '\ n' ). If you have the phrase "Dani Martin" and try to read it with file > > tema.intr , intr will only contain "Dani" , leaving "Martin" for the next reading, which you also expect to read a int last, for that reason does not turn out well.

To read something like that in the file:


  Will you go back
  Dani Martin

You need that:

// ...

string firstName, secondName;

ifstream archivo;

if ( archivo.is_open() ){
    archivo >> num; // Leer el primer int
    archivo >> tema.title; //Leer a "Volvera"
    archivo >> firstName >> secondName; //firstName="Dani" y secondName="Martin"

    tema.intr = firstName + " " + secondName ; // Unimos el primer nombre con el segundo y lo asignamos a tema.intr

    archivo >> tema.seg; //Leemos el ultimo int

    archivo.close(); // Importante cerrar antes de salir

    //imprimimos los resultados para ver si todo va ok.
    cout << tema.title << endl;
    cout << tema.intr << endl;
    cout << tema.seg << endl;
    //resto del programa...

I think that's what you're looking for. Greetings.

answered by 03.09.2016 в 19:34