I resort here as the last alternative, I have a menu that adds a class
to expand when I press a button and executes a transition, but the list appears before time, here the code:
$('.nav-button, .side-nav, .nav-header, .nav-options').toggleClass('nav-open');
return false;
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<div class="side-nav">
<h2 class="abs-center nav-header">Menu</h2>
<ul class="abs-center nav-options">
<li class="rela-block nav-link the-menu">Item 1</li>
<li class="rela-block nav-link">Item 2</li>
<li class="rela-block nav-link">Item 3</li>
<li class="rela-block nav-link">Item 4</li>
<li class="rela-block nav-link">Item 5</li>
<div class="nav-button top">
<div class="abs-center nav-bars"></div>
I tried that the nav-header
and nav-options
(which are the texts with which I have a conflict) had display: none;
at the beginning and when pressing the button this code is executed:
$('nav-header, nav-options').show();
$('nav-header, nav-options').toggleClass('nav-open');
}, 750);
and "half" worked because, although the texts do not appear at the beginning, the transition does not start but is placed directly. Any suggestion is grateful.