I have been looking at the documentation for a while and I think it is correct, however it does not work as it should, instead of updating me, it creates a record.
The theme is as follows. I have a table with sellers and others with products, the idea is to update a product from a certain vendor.
These are the data.
The route
Route::resource('vendedor.producto', 'vendedor\vendedorProductoController',['except' => ['create','show','edit']]);
and the structure of the route when we put it in the browser becomes like this.
In my case, for example, it would be something like that
which would be that of seller 95 update the product 100
the seller model
class vendedor extends User
protected $table = 'vendedores';
public function productos()
return $this->hasMany('App\modelos\producto');
the products model
class producto extends Model
use SoftDeletes;
protected $table = 'productos';
protected $dates = ['deleted_at'];
protected $hidden = ['pivot','deleted_at'];
const PRODUCTO_DISPONIBLE = 'disponible';
const PRODUCTO_NODISPONIBLE = 'no_disponible';
protected $fillable = ['nombre','descripcion','cantidad','status','imagen','vendedor_id'];
public function estaDisponible()
return $this->status == product::PRODUCTO_DISPONIBLE;
public function categorias()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\modelos\categoria');
public function vendedor()
return $this->belongsTo('App\modelos\vendedor');
public function transacciones()
return $this->hasMany('App\modelos\transaccion');
The controller with the update method
public function update(Request $request, $idvendedor)
$vendedor = vendedor::findorfail($idvendedor);
$datos = [
'nombre' => $request->nombre,
'descripcion' => $request->descripcion,
'cantidad' => $request->cantidad,
'imagen' => '1.jpg',
'vendedor_id' => $vendedor->id,
$producto =new producto($datos);
Well, do not update it, simply create a new record as if it were the store method
---------------- EDITION1 ------------------------------ --------------------------
I have made some modifications to the code and it still does not work.
I put the modifications
public function update(Request $request, $idvendedor,$idproducto)
$vendedor = vendedor::findorfail($idvendedor);
$producto = producto::findorfail($idproducto);
//$producto = new producto();
$producto->nombre = $request->nombre;
$producto->descripcion = $request->descripcion;
$producto->cantidad = $request->cantidad;
$producto->imagen ='9999.jpg';
$producto->vendedor_id = $vendedor->id;
In theory it has to work with this line
$producto = producto::findorfail($idproducto);
instead of this
//$producto = new producto()
but I have commented it simply so that you see that I have used both options and it does not work for me, the error that gives me is this
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOneOrMany::save() must be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
And here is the migration in case it clarifies something
public function up()
Schema::create('productos', function (Blueprint $table) {