Separate name and surname in SQL


How to separate the words from the column of the table according to the space between them through the query (Select format) without making any changes to the table.

In this specific case I seek to separate the name, father's last name and mother's last name


Juan Peterson Checo 
asked by Byron Ignacio Gallardo Arcos 01.09.2017 в 04:42

3 answers


I would solve it like this. Having something like this this:

As you do not say in which database engine I did it in MsSql Server

Generally speaking, I think you need a pattern to separate the components of the chain. I used the blank space. And what is more complicated is knowing what names and surnames are and how many are. It's probably the same pattern in all the records so you just have to accommodate it

Use the PARSENAME and REPLACE functions in the code part. Who are the ones who actually do the work, it would be a matter of verifying the equivalents in the database engine in case Microsoft Sql Server is different

SELECT PARSENAME(REPLACE(Nombre,' ','.'),3) AS PrimerNombre,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(Nombre,' ','.'),4) AS SegundoNombre,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(Nombre,' ','.'),2) AS PrimerApellido,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(Nombre,' ','.'),1) AS SegundoApellido
FROM [Borreme].[dbo].[Personas]
answered by 01.09.2017 в 06:29

Although I think this task should be done on the backend side, be it in PHP, JS, Java, JS, whatever it is here is my solution: a function that solves the problem and you can reuse it for more cases, instead to have your 'dirty' select:



CREATE FUNCTION split(val VARCHAR(255), del VARCHAR(255), pos INT)
RETURN REPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(val, del, pos),LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(val, del, pos-1)) + 1), del, '');


SELECT split('Hola StackOverflow en español', ' ', 1); # 'Hola'
SELECT split('Hola StackOverflow en español', ' ', 2); # 'StackOverflow'
SELECT split('Hola StackOverflow en español', ' ', 3); # 'en'
SELECT split('Hola StackOverflow en español', ' ', 4); # 'español'
answered by 01.09.2017 в 09:46

Try this select to get the first and last name of the "name" field of the "users" table

select left(nombre, CHARINDEX(' ', nombre)) as nombre_usuario,
substring(nombre, CHARINDEX(' ', nombre)+1, len(nombre)-(CHARINDEX(' ', 
nombre)-1)) as apellido_usuario
from usuarios
answered by 01.09.2017 в 11:07