When you try to create the object, you try to invoke the default constructor:
FrecuenciasCardiacas ob1;
It is known that it is the default constructor because you are not passing any argument to the constructor. However, the class FrecuenciasCardiacas
does not implement said constructor, but a custom one:
FrecuenciasCardiacas(string nombre)//Constructor
This constructor disables the constructor by default unless you expressly implement it, which does not happen.
What happens then is that the program should call
But that constructor is not available.
At this point there are two possible solutions:
Universal solution : Implement the default constructor:
class FrecuenciasCardiacas
{ }
If you are with C ++ 11 or higher you can use default
class FrecuenciasCardiacas
FrecuenciasCardiacas() = default;
Customized solution : Removes the custom constructor. This solution is only viable if said constructor is not necessary at all. By not implementing any custom constructor the compiler will create the default constructor transparently:
class FrecuenciasCardiacas
private: //Atributos//
string nombrePersona;
public: //Metodos//
void establecerNombrePersona(string nombre)//nombre
cout<<"Introduzca nombre: ";
nombrePersona = nombre;
string obtenerNombrePersona() const
return nombrePersona;