Since the line break could vary according to the platform, it would be best to use the predefined constant PHP_EOL
[Prints] the correct 'End of Line' symbol of the platform in use.
Available since PHP 5.0.2
Predefined Constants in the PHP Manual
In this way you delegate PHP to use the appropriate line break according to the platform where the program is run.
The code would look like this:
$Data = "Nombre " . $jsonencode[0]->nombre .PHP_EOL. $jsonencode[0]->
apellidos . PHP_EOL. $jsonencode[0]->email;
By doing that, you will not have to worry about whether it will work on some platforms and not on others.
The only restriction is that it works as of PHP 5.0.2. If you have an earlier version, you could implement a function that asks about the operating system / platform and depending on that, decide which line to use.