I am trying to search for products from the database and display them in grid
. The code executes the search but does not throw any value.
In the database I have the following:
create proc [dbo].[spbuscararticulo_venta_codigo]
@textobuscar varchar(50)
select d.iddetalle_ingreso,a.Codigo,a.Nombre,
c.nombre as Categoria,p.nombre as Presentacion,
from articulo a inner join categoria c
on a.idcategoria=c.idcategoria
inner join presentacion p
on a.idpresentacion=p.idpresentacion
inner join detalle_ingreso d
on a.idarticulo=d.idarticulo
inner join ingreso i
on d.idingreso=i.idingreso
where a.codigo=@textobuscar
and d.stock_actual>0
and i.estado<>'ANULADO'
on my button:
//Método BuscarNombre
private void MostrarArticulo_Venta_Nombre()
this.dataListado.DataSource = NVenta.MostrarArticulo_Venta_Nombre(this.txtBuscar.Text);
lblTotal.Text = "Total de Registros: " + Convert.ToString(dataListado.Rows.Count);
to double click:
private void dataListado_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
FrmVenta form = FrmVenta.GetInstancia();
string par1, par2;
decimal par3, par4;
int par5;
DateTime par6;
par1 = Convert.ToString(this.dataListado.CurrentRow.Cells["iddetalle_ingreso"].Value);
par2 = Convert.ToString(this.dataListado.CurrentRow.Cells["nombre"].Value);
par3 = Convert.ToDecimal(this.dataListado.CurrentRow.Cells["precio_compra"].Value);
par4 = Convert.ToDecimal(this.dataListado.CurrentRow.Cells["precio_venta"].Value);
par5 = Convert.ToInt32(this.dataListado.CurrentRow.Cells["stock_actual"].Value);
par6 = Convert.ToDateTime(this.dataListado.CurrentRow.Cells["fecha_vencimiento"].Value);
form.setArticulo(par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6);
Nventa class:
public static DataTable MostrarArticulo_Venta_Nombre(string textobuscar)
DVenta Obj = new DVenta();
return Obj.MostrarArticulo_Venta_Nombre(textobuscar);
another class, this is called by Nventas
in another layer
//Mostrar Artículos por su nombre
public DataTable MostrarArticulo_Venta_Nombre(String TextoBuscar)
DataTable DtResultado = new DataTable("articulos");
SqlConnection SqlCon = new SqlConnection();
SqlCon.ConnectionString = Conexion.Cn;
SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand();
SqlCmd.Connection = SqlCon;
SqlCmd.CommandText = "spbuscararticulo_venta_nombre";
SqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter ParTextoBuscar = new SqlParameter();
ParTextoBuscar.ParameterName = "@textobuscar";
ParTextoBuscar.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
ParTextoBuscar.Size = 50;
ParTextoBuscar.Value = TextoBuscar;
SqlDataAdapter SqlDat = new SqlDataAdapter(SqlCmd);
The grid
is sorted by query, but it does not show me anything (and I do have values in the database).
The strange thing is that I have similar functions and cases that change in name and work but I do not see the error here.