Query in SQL using COUNT


I must make a query that shows the number of clients per country.

I already have the Country (IdPais, Name) and Client (CustomerID, Name, IdPais) tables, but when I try to do it, I get the error:


"Incorrect syntax near '*'. Expecting HOLDLOCK, or ID".

Here is the code:

    Cliente.Nombre, Cliente.IdPais 
left outer join 
count(*) on 
    Pais.IdPais = Cliente.IdPais
group by 

Thanks in advance.

asked by Engel De Jesus 28.02.2017 в 14:27

3 answers


Obviously, you can not use the COUNT() function in the middle of a join. In this case, you need it in clause SELECT .

To obtain the number of clients per country, you need to make a join between the 2 tables grouping by country. And, in fact, the ideal is that it is a LEFT JOIN , so that it correctly includes the countries that do not have clients. Although your query does a LEFT JOIN as well, you're doing it from the wrong table. This would be the corrected query:

select p.IdPais, p.Nombre, count(c.IdCliente) as cantidad_clientes
  from Pais p
  left join Cliente c
    on c.IdPais = p.IdPais
 group by p.IdPais, p.Nombre
answered by 28.02.2017 в 15:00

You can not use the count after the from , all the fields that you want to show, must be defined after the statement select

Select p.IdPais,count(idCliente) as total_clientes
from Pais p, Cliente c
where p.IdPais = c.IdPais
group by p.IdPais;
answered by 28.02.2017 в 14:36

You have to count the number of clients grouping by country:

    Select count(c.idCliente) num_clientes, p.idPais 
    from cliente c, pais p 
    where c.idPais=p.idPais 
    group by p.idPais
answered by 28.02.2017 в 14:41