Java 8 JRE 8u111 or 8u112, which is the best / correct? [closed]


On the Oracle website, two versions of Java JRE are offered, I would like to know which of the two is the correct one to install to develop in Eclipse Neon using Java.

Link: link

  • Java SE Runtime Environment 8u111
  • Java SE Runtime Environment 8u112
  • Another thing, on the web says that NetBeans already has JDK 8, should I use this instead of Neon?

    asked by Robert Gomez 28.11.2016 в 01:38

    2 answers


    The JRE includes the Java virtual machine to run your applications. The JDK is to develop and includes the JRE. It is always better to have the latest version of the JRE because it has bug fixes. I would recommend Java SE Runtime Environment 8u112

    answered by 28.11.2016 / 02:19

    Both are correct, only 8u112 is a newer version. In how much the IDE I like to use NetBeans more because it makes me more "friendly", but what the web says is a suggestion, if you like Eclipse Neon better then use it.

    answered by 28.11.2016 в 02:26