I have that question about how if
works in low level programming.
If you do the check in the RAM going through all the addresses that contain it.
I have that question about how if
works in low level programming.
If you do the check in the RAM going through all the addresses that contain it.
Good morning.
High level ifs are not the same as low level ones. An if is not compared in the ram, the processor loads the data from the RAM to the registers (EAX, EDX, etc. These are like "variables" that the processor has physically by means of transients and electronic elements) Then compare these records with the CMP and flow control instructions such as JNZ, JG, JL, JO. These instructions are symbolic names of binary values, this is so that the programmer can understand the program, but an assembly development environment usually looks like this:
Where you see a structure like:
[ memory address ] [ instruction code ] [ mnemonic code ] [; and sometimes comments ]
Then the CMP instruction compares two records and activates the corresponding flags [FLAGS] . Then a jump instruction like JE (jump if it is the same) determines where the program flow continues according to the corresponding flag by moving the EIP (Instruction pointer register) pointer. After this, the corresponding instruction blocks are executed.
You can see the example of high-level code vs a low-level complete one in this question that I answered some time ago. This is a part of the code, they both do the same thing:
mov CX, offset texto1 ; Carga de variables en registros
mov BX, offset texto1
mov DX, offset texto1
add DX, largoTexto
cmp CX, DX ; Comparacion de registros CX y DX esto activa todas las banderas que correspondan
jge ip_forend ; Si CX es mayor o igual que DX sale del ciclo o sea salta a la direccion de ip_forend
inc CX ; Si no se cumple la condicion de salto, la rutina sigue en la siguiente instruccion
mov DI, CX
mov AL, byte ptr[DI]
cmp AL, 32
jne ip_if2 ; otro ejemplo de If aqui!
cmp CX, offset texto1
je ip_if2 ; y aqui
mov SI, BX
mov DI, CX
dec DI
mov BX, CX
inc BX
jmp ip_while ; este es un salto incondicional, siempre salta
mov AX, DX
dec AX
cmp CX, AX
jne ip_for ; otra comparacion aqui
mov SI, BX
mov DI, CX
cmp SI, DI
jge ip_for
mov AL, byte ptr[SI]
xchg AL, byte ptr[DI]
xchg AL, byte ptr[SI]
inc SI
dec DI
jmp ip_while
for (int CX = 0, BX = 0, DX = largoTexto; CX < DX; CX++) {
if (texto1[CX] == ' ' && CX != 0) {
SI = BX;
DI = CX;
BX = CX;
} else if (CX == DX - 1) {
SI = BX;
DI = CX;
} else {
while (SI < DI) {
char AL = texto1[SI];
texto1[SI] = texto1[DI];
texto1[DI] = AL;