Good, I need to know how to create Layouts programmatically in ANDROID, such as TextViews, RadioButtons, etc. That is, with Java code.
Good, I need to know how to create Layouts programmatically in ANDROID, such as TextViews, RadioButtons, etc. That is, with Java code.
This is an example of how to add views and layout programmatically to your activity. A container is created, the views to add to the container are created ( ImageView
, TextView
), at the end the container is added to the main view.
//Crea contenedor
LinearLayout contenedor = new LinearLayout(getApplicationContext());
contenedor.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(TableLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, TableLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
//Crea ImageView y TextView
ImageView miImageView = new ImageView(getApplicationContext());
TextView miTextView = new TextView(getApplicationContext());
//Agrega propiedades al TextView.
miTextView.setText("mi TextView");
//Agrega imagen al ImageView.
//Agrega vistas al contenedor.
FrameLayout.LayoutParams params = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(400, 1500, Gravity.CENTER);
//Agrega contenedor con botones.
addContentView(contenedor, params);
In the end you would have this as a result:
because I am new and I have done it like this: Mesh Distributor To use the mesh distributor, you must indicate in your constructor the number of rows and columns you will have. 4 rows and 3 columns. Axis:
setLayout( new GridLayout(4,3));
These are others that I have learned but the RadioButtons
do not know how it is.
setText (label): change the text of the label
setForeground (color): allows you to change the color.
Text zones (JTextField), enter data and get information.
getText (): returns a character string from the text box
setText (text): presents in the text area the string that is passed as a parameter.
setEditable (editable): indicates if the container can be modified by the user.
setForeground (color): defines the color of the characters.
setBackround (color): defines the color of the background.
Public class PanelVehiculo extends JPanel
Private JTextField txtMarca;
Private JTextField txtLinea;
Private JTextField txtModelo;
Private JTextField txtValor;
Private JLabel labMarca;
Private JLabel labLinea;
Private JLabel labModelo;
Private JLabel labValor;
Public PanelVehiculo()
labMarca = new JLabel(“Marca”);
labLinea = new JLabel(“Linea”);
labModelo = new JLabel(“Modelo”);
labValor = new JLabel(“Valor”);
txtMarca = new JTextField();
txtLinea = new JTextField();
txtModelo = new JTextField();
txtValor= new JTextField(“ $ 0”);
txtValor.setEditable( false );
txtValor.setForeground( Color.BLUE);
txtValor.setBackground( Color.WHITE);
add( labMarca );
add( txtMarca );
add(labLinea );
add( txtLinea );
Try {
String strModelo = txtModelo.getText();
Int nModelo = Integer.parseInt( strModelo );
Catch(Exception e) {
txtModelo.setText(“ ”);
//aqui van las instrucciones para enviar un mensaje al usuario
I hope I have helped you.
help links: android user interface