In android studio I get the following error: No debugable applications


I'm getting the following message in Android Studio 1.5.1:


Error: Non-debuggable applications

I try to restart it and it still does not work. But before it did work and no plugin or library has been installed or changes have been made in the OS. See image:

How can I solve it?

asked by Angel Angel 15.01.2016 в 18:27

1 answer


After inquiring without getting any solution, or closing / restarting the ide worked what seemed strange to me because the principle that worked without any problem but suddenly, after doing several tests see below worked:

solution that I found a quick answer:

close the ide when it starts again, activate:

Tools > > Android > > Enable ADB Integration .

but important before closing the ide also close the

Android Device Monitor (ADM) 

(because in my case this was the one that made it happen the error has to be closed before starting the ide)

"I think the problem starts when launching an application and after opening the ADM with this open, you can see that ADB integacion se desactiva (in my case)"

Miscellaneous solutions and tests:

  • If after obtaining the error you look to activate the ADB without closing the ADM and you throw the app run will appear erros of this type the majority of the times.

    Tubería rota Tubería rota
  • If you close the ADM , you reopen it and do app run some errors sometimes occur:

     Tubería rota Tubería rota
  • If you close the ADM and do app run without launching the ADM , and then close the app on the X. Now activate the ADM and launch the app > if it works (check that the ADB integration is active).

Notes: open the ADM with the app without being active, (to avoid deactivating the integration with ADB ).

answered by 15.01.2016 / 18:27