How to restore Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate window


I'm having trouble restoring the order of the toolbars and elements of Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate . Some have disappeared and others are in different places that usually (and by default) were.

Is there any way to return this to default?


asked by Agustin M. 24.08.2016 в 16:13

2 answers


In the menu bar, choose Herramientas , Personalizar . The Customize dialog box will open. On the Comandos tab, choose the option button for the type of item you want to restore. In the list of that type of item, choose the menu or toolbar that you want to restore. Choose the Modify Selection button and choose Reset from the menu that appears.

You can also reset all menus and toolbars by using the Restablecer todo button.

Source: link

answered by 24.08.2016 / 17:02

In VISUAL STUDIO 2013 go to:

WINDOW -> Reset Window Layout
answered by 24.08.2016 в 16:36