I am reading the PANDA PHP book for beginners, and in a section it appears
Order of the parameters, which I have to pass
Where do I get that order? What is the ideal order?
Well, your question is very generic, but if you refer to what parameters and what order should be passed to a function, this depends directly on the function that you are going to use (either a PHP function or one that your same developments), each function defines the number of parameters it needs, its order and if for example it is mandatory or not.
As an example you can see the function split , which is used to separate a string in a array for a specific character; If you look at the documentation, each parameter is defined, its description and its order. In the specific case of the split function, it has 3 parameters in this order:
Taking into account this documentation, of this function, the way to use it would be
$partes = split("-", "frase-de-prueba");
// Esto retorna un array de 3 elementos array("frase", "de", "prueba"), ya que se está separando la cadena por el carácter guion (-)
It should be used like this and only then, because in that order the split function waits for the parameters. Also when you develop your own function, you define the order and the amount of parameters that you are going to use.